- back-of-the-book
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Back to the Future Part II — Theatrical release poster Directed by Robert Zemeckis Produced by … Wikipedia
Back-to-the-land movement — The phrase back to the land movement refers to a North American social phenomenon of the 1960s and 1970s. This particular back to the land movement was a migration from cities to rural areas that took place in the United States, its greatest… … Wikipedia
The Book of the Dun Cow (novel) — The Book of the Dun Cow is a novel by Walter Wangerin, Jr.. It is loosely based upon the beast fable of Chanticleer and the Fox and named after the common name for Lebor na hUidre , an ancient Irish manuscript of stories. The book was awarded the … Wikipedia
The Book of the Short Sun — is a trilogy by Gene Wolfe, comprising On Blue s Waters (1999), In Green s Jungles (2000), and Return to the Whorl (2001). It is the sequel to Wolfe s tetralogy The Book of the Long Sun, and has connections to The Book of the New Sun.… … Wikipedia
The Book of Sorrows — is the sequel novel to Walter Wangerin, Jr. s The Book of the Dun Cow. Published by Zondervan in 1985, it was received quite well by such known publications as the Washington post, who called it, A beautifully written fantasy anchored starkly in… … Wikipedia
The Book and the Sword — (zh tsp|t=書劍恩仇錄|s=书剑恩仇录|p=shū jiàn ēn chóu lù; literally, Book Sword Love Hate Record or, more figuratively, Chronicles of Gratitude, Feud, the Book and the Sword ) is the first wuxia novel by Jinyong, first published on February 8 1955 in The… … Wikipedia
The Book of Thel — is a poem by William Blake, dated 1789 and probably worked on in the period 1788 to 1790.It is illustrated by his own plates, and is relatively short and easy to understand, compared to his later prophetic books. The metre is a fourteen syllable… … Wikipedia
The Book of Healing — (Arabic: الشفاء Al Shefa , Latin: Sanatio ) is a scientific and philosophical encyclopedia written by the great Islamic polymath Abū Alī ibn Sīnā (Avicenna) from Asfahana, near Bukhara in Greater Persia (now Uzbekistan). Despite its English title … Wikipedia
The Book of Abramelin — tells the story of an Egyptian mage named Abramelin, or Abra Melin, who teaches a system of magic to Abraham of Worms, a German Jew presumed to have lived from c.1362 c.1458. The magic described in the book was to find new life in the 19th and… … Wikipedia
The Book of Blotar — is a book of rituals published by the Odinic Rite for the purposes of celebrating Odinism. It is thought to be the best on the subject by adherents worldwide.POV|date=June 2008Published by The Odinic Rite 1993 on the direction of Heimgest OR.… … Wikipedia
The Book (Time Warp Trio) — The Book is a fictional item that the Time Warp Trio book and television series revolve around. Depending on what Joe, Fred, and Sam say or do at the time, The Book disperses green mist to carry the three anywhere in time and space... often… … Wikipedia