Babuyan Islands
Смотреть что такое "Babuyan Islands" в других словарях:
Babuyan Islands — The Babuyan Islands form an archipelago located in the Luzon Strait north of Luzon island in the Philippines. It is separated from Luzon by the Babuyan Channel and from the Batanes Islands to its north by the Balintang Channel.The Babuyan Islands … Wikipedia
Babuyan Islands — /bah booh yahn / a group of islands in the Philippines, N of Luzon. 225 sq. mi. (580 sq. km). * * * Island group, northern Philippines. Lying north of Luzon, it consists of about 24 islands with a total area of 225 sq mi (583 sq km). The chief… … Universalium
Babuyan Islands — or Babuyanes geographical name islands of N Philippines N of Luzon area 225 square miles (585 square kilometers) … New Collegiate Dictionary
Babuyan Islands — Ba•bu•yan′ Is′lands [[t]ˌbɑ buˈyɑn[/t]] n. pl. geg a group of islands in the Philippines, N of Luzon. 225 sq. mi. (580 sq. km) … From formal English to slang
Babuyan Islands — /bah booh yahn / a group of islands in the Philippines, N of Luzon. 225 sq. mi. (580 sq. km) … Useful english dictionary
Babuyan Claro — volcano is located in the Babuyan Islands, an archipelago in the Luzon Strait and north of Luzon island in the Philippines (19°31.5 N, 121° 57 E). It is separated from Luzon by the Babuyan Channel and from the Batanes Islands up north by the… … Wikipedia
Babuyan-Inseln — Der Smith Volcano auf Babuyan Island Gewässer Luzonstraße (Pazifischer Ozean) … Deutsch Wikipedia
List of islands of the Philippines — This is a list of islands of the Philippines. There are 7,107 islands, of which about 4,000 are inhabited. They are clustered into the island groups of Luzon, Visayas, and Mindanao.Luzon**Batanes Islands ***Batan Island ***Diadekey Island… … Wikipedia
Batanes Islands — The Batanes Islands are the northernmost islands of the Philippines. They comprise the Province of Batanes. They are located between the Babuyan Islands (belonging to Cagayan Province) and Taiwan. The islands are sparsely populated and subject to … Wikipedia
Batan Islands — /beuh tahn , bah / a group of islands in the N Philippines. 12,091; 76 sq. mi. (197 sq. km). Also called Batanes /bah tah nes/. * * * ▪ islands, Philippines also called Batanes Islands chain of 14 islands in the Philippines, about 190… … Universalium
Бабуян — (Babuyan Islands)Babuyan Islands, острова, группа из 24 вулканических о вов, расположенных к С. от о.Лусон (Филиппинские о ва). На о.Бабуян имеется действующий вулкан Бабуян Кларо, достигающий высоты 1088 м … Страны мира. Словарь