- audio-
- [ʹɔ:dıə(ʋ)-] (тж. audi-)
в сложных словах имеет значение слуховой, акустический:
audiometer - аудиометр
audiovisuals - аудиовизуальные средства
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
audiometer - аудиометр
audiovisuals - аудиовизуальные средства
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
audio — 1 Element de compunere care înseamnă (eu) aud , servind la auz , solicitând auzul . [Pr: a u di o] – Din lat., fr. audio . Trimis de ana zecheru, 08.07.2002. Sursa: DEX 98 AÚDIO2 adj. invar. Care serveşte la perceperea auditivă. [pr.: a u di o] … Dicționar Român
Audio — may refer to: * Sound that is capable of being heard ** Sound recording and reproduction ** Natural acoustic audio ** Audio frequencies * Audio content ** Audio book, a sound recording of a book ** Audio content file format *** Windows Media… … Wikipedia
Audio — (lateinisch ich höre, von audire ‚hören‘) wird als Bestandteil von Wörtern verwendet, die mit Hören oder Tontechnik zu tun haben (z. B. Audioanlage, Audiometer, Auditorium). Audio bezieht sich auf den menschlichen Hörbereich, der den… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Audio CD — is an umbrella term that refers to many standards of means of playing back audio on a CD. It may specifically refer to: Standards Compact Disc, an optical disc used to store digital data Red Book (CD standard), the original means of playing back… … Wikipedia
Audio+ — is posed as an alternative to Apple s enhanced podcast format and was developed by Mike Versteeg. It allows images to be included alongside traditional podcasted audio, which is then downloaded and viewed offline. One of the biggest advantages of … Wikipedia
Audio CD — Это статья об одной из разновидностей оптических дисков. О других реализациях, см.: Компакт диск. Звуковой компакт диск (CDDA, также называемый англ. Audio CD и Red Book) стандарт для компакт дисков со звуковым содержимым. Формат хранения… … Википедия
audio — [ odjo ] adj. inv. • 1982; de audi(o) ♦ Qui concerne l enregistrement ou la transmission des sons (opposé à vidéo). Cassettes audio. ● audio adjectif invariable Qui concerne l enregistrement ou la transmission des sons. audio adj. inv. et n. inv … Encyclopédie Universelle
audio — n. the part of a transmitted signal which conveys the sound of the event represented by the signal, such as that of a television program. they always raise the audio for commercials Syn: sound. [WordNet 1.5] 2. 1 an audible acoustic wave… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
audio — sound, especially recorded or transmitted, 1934, abstracted from prefix audio (in audio frequency, 1919, etc.), from L. audire hear (see AUDIENCE (Cf. audience)) … Etymology dictionary
audio — adjetivo 1. (invariable) [Técnica, dispositivo] que se relaciona con la grabación, transmisión y reproducción del sonido: El aparato incorpora un sistema audio único. Los sensores audio de esta casa son muy modernos … Diccionario Salamanca de la Lengua Española
audio — (Del ingl. audio, y este del lat. audĭo, yo oigo). m. Técnica relacionada con la reproducción, grabación y transmisión del sonido. U. t. c. adj.) … Diccionario de la lengua española