- arsy-versy
- [͵ɑ:sıʹvɜ:sı] adv сл.
задом наперёд; шиворот-навыворот; в полном беспорядке
she filed all the papers arsy-versy - она подшила документы как попало
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
she filed all the papers arsy-versy - она подшила документы как попало
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
arsy-versy — (adv.) backside foremost, 1530s, probably a reduplication from ARSE (Cf. arse), perhaps with suggestions from REVERSE (Cf. reverse) … Etymology dictionary
arsy-versy — I. adverb see arsy varsy I II. adjective see arsy varsy II … Useful english dictionary
arsy versy — adverb Tumbling upside down; head over heels; backwards. Syn: ass over teakettle, ass backwards, back asswards … Wiktionary
arsy-versy — upside down; reversed; backwards (British Colloquial) … English contemporary dictionary
arsy-versy — adjective & adverb informal in a disordered or contrary state or manner. Origin C16: from arse + L. versus turned , the addition of y1 to both elements forming a jingle … English new terms dictionary
arsy versy — Topsy turvy … A concise dictionary of English slang
higgledy-piggledy — confusedly, hurriedly, 1590s, a vocal gesture [OED] probably formed from PIG (Cf. pig) and the animal s suggestions of mess and disorder. Reduplications in the h /p pattern are common (e.g. hanky panky, hocus pocus, hinch(y) pinch(y), an obsolete … Etymology dictionary
Serjeant Musgrave's Dance — Serjeant Musgrave s Dance, An Un historical Parable [John Arden, Arden Plays 1 , Methuen Publishing Ltd, London, August 2002] is a play by English playwright John Arden, written in 1959 and premiered at the Royal Court Theatre on October 22 of… … Wikipedia
All That Fall — is a one act radio play by Samuel Beckett produced following a request [It has been reported that Beckett wrote this play following a commission from the BBC. This is not correct. Hugh Kenner advises that Beckett had written only some of his… … Wikipedia