- bodacious
- [bəʋʹdeıʃəs] a амер. сл.
безрассудный[bold + audacious]
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Bodacious — can mean: *Remarkable, courageous, audacious, spirited *Bodacious the Bull *A Belgian band: [http://www.bodacious.tk] *In CB radio jargon, a general purpose word of praise *A variety of iris (plant) *Voluptuous, attractive, hot, appealing to the… … Wikipedia
bodacious — 1837 (implied in bodaciously), Southern U.S. slang, perhaps from bodyaciously bodily, totally, or a blend of bold and audacious, which suits the earliest attested sense of the word. Popularized anew by 1982 Hollywood film An Officer and a… … Etymology dictionary
bodacious — ☆ bodacious [bō dā′shəs ] adj. [Informal or Dial.] Informal Dial. 1. outstanding in a showy way; splendid 2. bold or blatant bodaciously adj … English World dictionary
bodacious — adjective Etymology: probably blend of bold and audacious Date: 1832 1. Southern & Midland outright, unmistakable 2. remarkable, noteworthy < a bodacious bargain > 3. sexy, voluptuous … New Collegiate Dictionary
bodacious — bodaciously, adv. /boh day sheuhs/, adj. South Midland and Southern U.S. 1. thorough; blatant; unmistakable: a bodacious gossip. 2. remarkable; outstanding: a bodacious story. 3. audacious; bold or brazen. [1835 45; prob. to be identified with… … Universalium
bodacious — adjective a) Audacious and unrestrained. If youre going to lie, you might as well tell a bodacious lie. b) Incorrigible and insolent. You, sir, are a bodacious scoundrel … Wiktionary
bodacious — bo•da•cious [[t]boʊˈdeɪ ʃəs[/t]] adj. Southern U.S. 1) dial. blatant: a bodacious gossip[/ex] 2) dial. remarkable: a bodacious story[/ex] 3) dial. audacious; brazen • Etymology: 1835–45; b. bold and audacious bo•da′cious•ly, adv … From formal English to slang
bodacious — [bo”dejas] mod. assertive; audacious. □ That is a bodacious plan, for sure. □ Yes, sir! That is really bodacious … Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions
bodacious — adjective 1. incorrigible a bodacious gossip • Similar to: ↑unmitigated • Usage Domain: ↑colloquialism 2. unrestrained by convention or propriety an audacious trick to pull a barefaced hypocrite … Useful english dictionary
bodacious — bo|da|cious [ bou deıʃəs ] adjective AMERICAN VERY INFORMAL excellent or impressive: bodacious babes … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
bodacious — bold, daring, defying the rules, like a daredevil He s bodacious alright. He rode his skateboard right through traffic! … English idioms