- anti-Semitic
- [͵æntısıʹmıtık] a
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
anti-Semitic — [an΄tīsə mit′ik, an΄tēsə mit′ik, an΄tisə mit′ik] adj. 〚< anti Semitism < Ger Antisemitismus, coined (1879) by Wilhelm Marr, Ger writer〛 1. having or showing prejudice against Jews 2. discriminating against or persecuting Jews 3. of or caused by… … Universalium
anti-Semitic — [an΄tīsə mit′ik, an΄tēsə mit′ik, an΄tisə mit′ik] adj. [< anti Semitism < Ger Antisemitismus, coined (1879) by Wilhelm Marr, Ger writer] 1. having or showing prejudice against Jews 2. discriminating against or persecuting Jews 3. of or… … English World dictionary
anti-Semitic — (adj.) 1881, see ANTI SEMITISM (Cf. anti Semitism) … Etymology dictionary
anti-Semitic — anti Semitism ► NOUN ▪ hostility to or prejudice against Jews. DERIVATIVES anti Semite noun anti Semitic adjective … English terms dictionary
anti-semitic — adjective relating to or characterized by anti Semitism; hating Jews (Freq. 4) • Syn: ↑antisemitic • Pertains to noun: ↑antisemitism (for: ↑antisemitic), ↑anti Semitism … Useful english dictionary
anti-Semitic — also antisemitic ADJ GRADED Someone or something that is anti Semitic is hostile to or prejudiced against Jewish people. His anti Semitic beliefs were well known in America … English dictionary
anti-Semitic — UK / US adjective anti Semitic people, opinions, writings etc show a feeling of hate towards Jewish people Derived word: anti Semitism UK [ˌæntɪ ˈseməˌtɪz(ə)m] / US [ˌæntaɪ ˈsemɪˌtɪzəm] / US [ˌæntɪ ˈsemɪˌtɪzəm] noun uncountable … English dictionary
anti-Semitic — adj. Anti Semitic is used with these nouns: ↑propaganda, ↑remark, ↑slur, ↑violence … Collocations dictionary
anti-Semitic — an|ti Se|mit|ic [ ,æntaı sə mıtık, ,ænti sə mıtık ] adjective anti Semitic people, opinions, writings, etc. show a feeling of hate toward Jewish people ╾ an|ti Sem|i|tism [ ,æntaı semı,tızəm, ,ænti semı,tızəm ] noun uncount … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
Anti-Semitic — Anti Semitism An ti Sem i*tism, n. Opposition to, or hatred of, Semites, esp. Jews. The word is sometimes also applied to acts motivated by or evincing antisemitism. {An ti Sem ite}, n. {An ti Sem*it ic}, a. [Webster 1913 Suppl. +PJC] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Anti-Semitic Conferences — The German government convened two conferences that dealt with solutions to the “Jewish question.” The first was held in Frankfurt in March 1941 and included leading Nazi collaborators in countries under German occupation. Among those… … Historical dictionary of the Holocaust