Смотреть что такое "anorectic" в других словарях:
anorectic — ANORÉCTIC, Ă, anorectici, ce, adj., s.m. şi f. (med.) (Bolnav) de anorexie. – Din fr. anorectique. Trimis de ana zecheru, 13.09.2007. Sursa: DEX 98 anoréctic s. m., adj. m … Dicționar Român
anorectic — (adj.) characterized by lack of appetite, 1832, medical Latin, from Gk. anorektos without appetite (see ANOREXIA (Cf. anorexia)). As a noun, attested from 1913 … Etymology dictionary
anorectic — an·o·rec·tic .an ə rek tik also an·o·ret·ic ret ik adj 1 a) lacking appetite b) ANOREXIC (2) 2) causing loss of appetite <anorectic drugs> anorectic also anoretic n 1) an anorectic agent 2) … Medical dictionary
Anorectic — An anorectic or anorexic (from the Greek an = without and orexis = appetite ), also known as anorexigenic or appetite suppressant, is a dietary supplement and/or drug which reduces appetite, food consumption, and as a result, causes weight loss… … Wikipedia
anorectic — anorexic, anorectic Both words, adjectives derived from anorexia meaning ‘obsessive loss of appetite’, are in use. but anorexic is far more common and will eventually oust anorectic completely. It is also used absolutely as a quasi noun. Examples … Modern English usage
anorectic — I. adjective also anoretic Etymology: Greek anorektos, from a + oregein to reach after more at right Date: circa 1894 1. a. lacking appetite b. anorexic 2 2. causing loss of appetite II … New Collegiate Dictionary
anorectic — /an euh rek tik/, adj. 1. Also, anorectous. having no appetite. 2. causing a loss of appetite. n. 3. an anorectic substance, as a drug; anorexiant. Also, anoretic /an euh ret ik/, anorexic. [1895 1900; AN 1 + ORECTIC] * * * … Universalium
anorectic — adj. & n. (also anorexic) adj. involving, producing, or characterized by a lack of appetite, esp. in anorexia nervosa. n. 1 an anorectic agent. 2 a person with anorexia. Etymology: Gk anorektos without appetite (as ANOREXIA): anorexic f. F… … Useful english dictionary
anorectic — 1. adjective /ænəˈrɛktɪk/ a) Characterised by a lack of appetite, especially as suffering from anorexia nervosa; anorexic. b) Causing a loss of appetite. 2. noun /ænəˈrɛktɪk/ A person suffering from … Wiktionary
anorèctic — a|no|rèc|tic Mot Pla Adjectiu variable … Diccionari Català-Català
anorectic — adj. pertaining to or characterized by anorexia, suffering from anorexia (eating disorder characterized by self induced starvation) … English contemporary dictionary