- alms-basket
- [ʹɑ:mz͵bɑ:skıt] n
кружка или ящик для сбора пожертвований
to live on the alms-basket - жить за счёт пожертвований
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
to live on the alms-basket - жить за счёт пожертвованийНовый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
alms-basket — … Useful english dictionary
Corban — Cor ban (k[^o]r b[a^]n), n. [Heb. qorb[=a]n, akin to Ar. qurb[=a]n.] 1. (Jewish Antiq.) An offering of any kind, devoted to God and therefore not to be appropriated to any other use; esp., an offering in fulfillment of a vow. [1913 Webster] Note … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Honorificabilitudinitatibus — [Hono rifica bili tudi nita tibus] is a word used by Costard in act five, scene one of William Shakespeare s Love s Labour s Lost . It is (in the quotation) the ablative plural of the medieval Latin word honorificabilitudinitas, which can be… … Wikipedia
Honorificabilitudinitatibus — ist ein mittellateinisches Wort, das William Shakespeare in seiner Komödie Verlorene Liebesmüh verwendete und das in der Folge in der englischsprachigen Welt eine gewisse Berühmtheit erlangt hat. Das Wort erscheint in der ersten Szene des fünften … Deutsch Wikipedia
honorificabilitudinitatibus — noun The state of being able to achieve honours O, they have lived long on the alms basket of words … Wiktionary
Offertory — Collection plate redirects here. For the notice fixed to a post box, see collection plate (postal). The Offertory is the portion of a Eucharistic service when bread and wine are brought to the altar. The offertory exists in many liturgical… … Wikipedia
Buddhism — Buddhist, n., adj. Buddhistic, Buddhistical, adj. Buddhistically, adv. /booh diz euhm, bood iz /, n. a religion, originated in India by Buddha (Gautama) and later spreading to China, Burma, Japan, Tibet, and parts of southeast Asia, holding that… … Universalium
Buddhism — • The religious, monastic system, founded c. 500 B.C. on the basis of pantheistic Brahminism Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Buddhism Buddhism … Catholic encyclopedia
Outline of Buddhism — See also: Index of Buddhism related articles Flag of Buddhism … Wikipedia
Sport aux États-Unis — États Unis Comité olympique Comité national olympique des États Unis Clubs Licenciés … Wikipédia en Français
Compétition automobile — La compétition automobile est un sport où des pilotes au volant d automobiles s affrontent lors de courses réglementées, en différentes formules et catégories, sur circuit, sur route ou sur piste. La compétition automobile comporte nombre de… … Wikipédia en Français