allélo- — ❖ ♦ Élément de mots savants, du grec allêlo même sens, qui signifie « l un l autre, l un et l autre (en relation de réciprocité) » … Encyclopédie Universelle
allelo- — al·lè·lo conf. TS scient. alterno, che ha carattere di reciprocità: allelomorfo {{line}} {{/line}} ETIMO: dal gr. allēlo , cfr. allēlōn pronom. reciproco, der. di állos altro … Dizionario italiano
allelo- — combining form Etymology: Greek allēlo each other, from allēlōn of each other, from allos … allos one … the other, from allos other more at else 1. : alternative allelomorph 2. : of or for each other : reciprocal … Useful english dictionary
allelo- — combining form Etymology: Greek allēlon of each other, from allos…allos one…the other, from allos other more at else 1. alternative < allelomorph > 2. reciprocal < allelopathy > … New Collegiate Dictionary
allelo — al·lè·lo s.m. var. → allele … Dizionario italiano
allelo... — al|le|lo..., Al|le|lo... <aus gleichbed. gr. alle̅lōn> Wortbildungselement mit der Bedeutung »wechselseitig«, z. B. allelodidaktisch, Allelopathie … Das große Fremdwörterbuch
allelo — (G). One another; parallel … Dictionary of word roots and combining forms
allele — allelic /euh lee lik, euh lel ik/, adj. allelism, n. /euh leel /, n. Genetics. any of several forms of a gene, usually arising through mutation, that are responsible for hereditary variation. [1930 35; < G Allel, appar. as shortening of G… … Universalium
allélomorphe — [ alelɔmɔrf ] adj. • 1903; gr. allêlo marquant la réciprocité et morphe ♦ Gènes allélomorphes. ⇒ allèle. allélomorphe [a(l)lelɔmɔʀf] adj. ÉTYM. 1903, in Rev. gén. des sc., no 3, p. 158; du grec allêlo , marquant la réciprocité, et morphe. ❖ ♦… … Encyclopédie Universelle
diallel — adjective Etymology: Greek diallēlos reciprocating, from dia through + allēlōn one another more at allelo Date: 1920 relating to or being the crossing of each of several individuals with two or more others in order to determine the relative… … New Collegiate Dictionary
allelomorph — allelomorphic, adj. allelomorphism, n. /euh lee leuh mawrf , euh lel euh /, n. allele. [1900 05; < Gk allelo (see ALLELE) + MORPH] * * * … Universalium