
[ʹɔ:lnaıt] a
1) ночной; продолжающийся всю ночь (напролёт)

all-night pass - ночной пропуск

all-night sitting of Parliament - заседание парламента, продолжавшееся до утра

all-night vigil - а) ночное дежурство; б) ночное бдение

2) ночной; работающий или открытый всю ночь

all-night drugstore - дежурная аптека

all-night diner - ночная закусочная

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "all-night" в других словарях:

  • all-night — adjective only before noun 1. ) an all night party, meeting, etc. continues until the next morning: an all night vigil for peace 2. ) an all night store, restaurant, bus service, etc. continues to operate for the whole night: all night… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • all-night — all′ night adj. 1) lasting an entire night; nightlong: an all night vigil[/ex] 2) open all night: an all night diner[/ex] • Etymology: 1520–30 …   From formal English to slang

  • all-night|er — «l NY tuhr», noun. a session that lasts all day and through the night, usually of work or study: »To help meet deadlines, she sometimes pulled an all nighter …   Useful english dictionary

  • all-night — all night; all night·er; …   English syllables

  • All Night — Infobox Film name = All Night director = Paul Powell producer = Bluebird Photoplays/Universal writer = Edgar Franklin Fred Myton starring = Rudolph Valentino Carmel Myers Charles Dorian Mary Warren William Dyer distributor = Universal Films… …   Wikipedia

  • all-night — UK / US adjective [only before noun] 1) an all night shop, restaurant, bus service etc continues to operate for the whole night all night supermarket shopping 2) an all night party, meeting etc continues until the next morning an all night vigil… …   English dictionary

  • all-night — /awl nuyt /, adj. 1. taking up, extending through, or occurring continually during an entire night; nightlong: an all night vigil. 2. open all night, as for business; providing services, accommodations, etc., at all hours of the night: an all… …   Universalium

  • all-night — adjective Date: 1886 1. lasting throughout the night < an all night poker game > 2. open throughout the night < an all night diner > …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • all-night — /ˈɔl naɪt/ (say awl nuyt) adjective 1. in operation throughout the night; open all night. 2. continuing all night. –all nighter, noun …  

  • ˌall-ˈnight — adj continuing or available for the whole night an all night party[/ex] an all night restaurant[/ex] …   Dictionary for writing and speaking English

  • all-night·er — /ˈɑːlˈnaıtɚ/ noun, pl ers [count] informal : a night during which someone works on something instead of sleeping I have to finish this by morning, so I guess tonight will be another all nighter. He pulled an all nighter [=he stayed up all night]… …   Useful english dictionary

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