bob skate

bob skate
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Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "bob skate" в других словарях:

  • bob skate — ☆ bob skate n. a skate with two parallel runners …   English World dictionary

  • bob skate — an ice skate with two parallel blades. [BOB(SLED) + SKATE1] * * * bob skate noun (N American) An ice skate with two parallel blades • • • Main Entry: ↑bob * * * bob skate, a skate with two runners …   Useful english dictionary

  • bob skate — an ice skate with two parallel blades. [BOB(SLED) + SKATE1] * * * …   Universalium

  • bob skate — n. ice skate with two parallel blades …   English contemporary dictionary

  • bob — bob1 [bäb] n. [ME bobbe, hanging cluster; BOB1 senses 6 7, 8, 9, 11 < the v., BOB1 10 < BOBSLED] [Brit. Dial.] 1. [Brit. Dial.] a hanging cluster 2. any knoblike hanging weight or pendant [a plumb bob] …   English World dictionary

  • bob — bob1 /bob/, n., v., bobbed, bobbing. n. 1. a short, jerky motion: a bob of the head. v.t. 2. to move quickly down and up: to bob the head. 3. to indicate with such a motion: to bob a greeting. v.i. 4. to make a jerky motion with the head or body …   Universalium

  • bob — I [[t]bɒb[/t]] n. v. bobbed, bob•bing 1) a short, jerky motion: a bob of the head[/ex] 2) to move quickly down and up 3) to indicate with such a motion: to bob a greeting[/ex] 4) to make a jerky motion with the head or body 5) to move about with… …   From formal English to slang

  • Bob Burnquist — (* 10. Oktober 1976 in Rio de Janeiro, Brasilien) ist ein professioneller Skateboarder. Werdegang Burnquist wurde als Sohn eines schwedisch amerikanischen Vaters und einer brasilianischen Mutter geboren. 1986 be …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Bob Burnquist — (/börnkwist/) est un skateboarder professionnel brésilien, né en 1976. Anciennement sponsorisé par The Firm, il fait actuellement partie de l équipe Flip, pour laquelle il a participé à une publicité spectaculaire, dans laquelle il saute avec son …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Bob Burnquist — Robert Dean Silva Burnquist (born October 10, 1976 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil), better known as Bob Burnquist, is a professional skateboarder [Switch Magazine, [ burnquist.html Bob Burnquist …   Wikipedia

  • Skate — Skateboard Un skateboard moderne …   Wikipédia en Français

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