- air-bath
- [ʹeəbɑ:θ] n
1) воздушная ванна2) хим. воздушная баня
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Air bath — Air Air ([^a]r), n. [OE. air, eir, F. air, L. a[ e]r, fr. Gr. ah r, air, mist, for a[digamma]hr, fr. root a[digamma] to blow, breathe, probably akin to E. wind. In sense 10 the French has taking a meaning fr. It. aria atmosphere, air, fr. the… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
air-bath — airˈ bath noun 1. Exposure of the body to air 2. An apparatus for the therapeutic application of compressed or rarefied air, or for drying substances in air • • • Main Entry: ↑air … Useful english dictionary
air bath — Vapor Va por, n. [OE. vapour, OF. vapour, vapor, vapeur, F. vapeur, L. vapor; probably for cvapor, and akin to Gr. ? smoke, ? to breathe forth, Lith. kvepti to breathe, smell, Russ. kopote fine soot. Cf. {Vapid}.] [Written also {vapour}.] [1913… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
air bath — noun 1. : a hygienic exposure of the body to the open air 2. : a bath of air; also : a receptacle (as a small oven heated from below) containing such a bath … Useful english dictionary
air bath — n. device used to apply air to the body; arrangement used to dry materials in air of any temperature required … English contemporary dictionary
air bath — therapeutic exposure of the body to warm air … Medical dictionary
Air — ([^a]r), n. [OE. air, eir, F. air, L. a[ e]r, fr. Gr. ah r, air, mist, for a[digamma]hr, fr. root a[digamma] to blow, breathe, probably akin to E. wind. In sense 10 the French has taking a meaning fr. It. aria atmosphere, air, fr. the same Latin… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Air balloon — Air Air ([^a]r), n. [OE. air, eir, F. air, L. a[ e]r, fr. Gr. ah r, air, mist, for a[digamma]hr, fr. root a[digamma] to blow, breathe, probably akin to E. wind. In sense 10 the French has taking a meaning fr. It. aria atmosphere, air, fr. the… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Air castle — Air Air ([^a]r), n. [OE. air, eir, F. air, L. a[ e]r, fr. Gr. ah r, air, mist, for a[digamma]hr, fr. root a[digamma] to blow, breathe, probably akin to E. wind. In sense 10 the French has taking a meaning fr. It. aria atmosphere, air, fr. the… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Air compressor — Air Air ([^a]r), n. [OE. air, eir, F. air, L. a[ e]r, fr. Gr. ah r, air, mist, for a[digamma]hr, fr. root a[digamma] to blow, breathe, probably akin to E. wind. In sense 10 the French has taking a meaning fr. It. aria atmosphere, air, fr. the… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Air crossing — Air Air ([^a]r), n. [OE. air, eir, F. air, L. a[ e]r, fr. Gr. ah r, air, mist, for a[digamma]hr, fr. root a[digamma] to blow, breathe, probably akin to E. wind. In sense 10 the French has taking a meaning fr. It. aria atmosphere, air, fr. the… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English