- after-effect
- [ʹɑ:ft(ə)rı͵fekt] n
1. последствие (наступающее не сразу)2. 1) спец. последействие2) побочное действие (лекарств)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
after-effect — ► NOUN ▪ an effect that follows after the primary action of something … English terms dictionary
after-effect — s. m. [Psicologia] Modificação na avaliação das grandezas e formas de uma figura observada, quando essa percepção se segue à observação duma figura diferente. ‣ Etimologia: palavra inglesa que significa efeito consecutivo … Dicionário da Língua Portuguesa
after-effect — [n] repercussion aftermath, aftershock, consequence, followup, hangover*, offshoot, trail, wake; concept 230 … New thesaurus
after-effect — poveiksmis statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. after effect; remanence vok. Nachwirkung, f; Nachwirkungseffekt, m; Nachwirkungserscheinung, f rus. последействие, n pranc. persistance, f; rémanence, f … Fizikos terminų žodynas
after-effect — after ef.fect BrE af|ter|ef|fect AmE [ˈa:ftərıfekt US ˈæf ] n [C usually plural] a bad effect that continues for a long time after the thing that caused it the after effects (of sth) ▪ the after effects of his illness … Dictionary of contemporary English
after effect — effect that is sensed after an occurrence; delayed effect; consequence … English contemporary dictionary
after-effect — after effects N COUNT: usu pl The after effects of an event, experience, or substance are the conditions which result from it. ...people still suffering from the after effects of the world s worst nuclear accident... He was suffering from shock… … English dictionary
after-effect — /ˈaftər əfɛkt/ (say ahftuhr uhfekt) noun 1. a delayed effect; effect that follows later. 2. Medicine a result appearing after the first effect due to an agent, usually a drug, has gone …
after effect — noun (countable usually plural) an unpleasant effect that remains for a long time after the condition or event that caused it: the after effects of his illness … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
after-effect — noun An effect; especially, one that is experienced only after a delay, or only in the long term … Wiktionary
after-effect — noun an effect that follows after the primary action of something … English new terms dictionary