- Abyssinia
- [͵æbıʹsınıə] n геогр. ист.
Абиссиния; см. Ethiopia
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Abyssinia — • Provides details on the geography, ethnology, political revolutions, as well as church information Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Abyssinia Abyssinia … Catholic encyclopedia
Abyssinia — may refer to the nation of Ethiopia, also formerly known as Abyssinia.Abyssinia may also refer to: * SS Abyssinia , 1870 Canadian Pacific steamship * HMS Abyssinia (1870), British armoured ship * Abyssinia, Henry, 1975 episode of the M*A*S*H… … Wikipedia
Abyssinia — n. 1. same as Ethiopia. Syn: Ethiopia, Yaltopya [WordNet 1.5] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Abyssinia — old name for Ethiopia, 1630s, from Mod.L. Abyssinia, from Arabic Habasah, the name for the region, said to be from Amharic hbsh mixed, in reference to the different races dwelling there. In 1920s 30s popular as a slang pun for I ll be seeing you … Etymology dictionary
ABYSSINIA — regio Africae, in Aethiopiâ superiori. Fuit aliâs regnum amplissimum; sed a centum prope annia per Galas populos valde fuit imminutum, ut pluribus nuper collegimus ex doctissimis scriptis Isaaci Vossii. Dicit enim ille, quod si solam soectemus… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Abyssinia — [ab΄ə sin′ē ə] former name for ETHIOPIA … English World dictionary
Abyssinia — A largely mountainous and desert country in northeast Africa, also known as Ethiopia. Abyssinia was a Christian country associated in the European mind with the mythical Prester John and the Queen of Sheba, and it remained throughout the… … Encyclopedia of the Age of Imperialism, 1800–1914
abyssinia — I ll be seeing you. Abyssinia! … Dictionary of american slang
abyssinia — I ll be seeing you. Abyssinia! … Dictionary of american slang
Abyssinia — noun Ethiopia is a republic in northeastern Africa on the Red Sea; formerly called Abyssinia • Syn: ↑Ethiopia, ↑Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, ↑Yaltopya • Derivationally related forms: ↑Ethiopian (for: ↑Ethiopia) … Useful english dictionary
Abyssinia (1870) — p1 Abyssinia p1 Schiffsdaten Flagge Vereinigtes Konigreich … Deutsch Wikipedia