- -storied
- [-ʹstɔ:rıd] амер. = -storeyed
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Storied — Sto ried, a. [From {Story}.] 1. Told in a story. [1913 Webster] 2. Having a history; interesting from the stories which pertain to it; venerable from the associations of the past. [1913 Webster] Some greedy minion, or imperious wife, The trophied … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
storied — storied1 [stôr′ēd] adj. 1. ornamented with designs showing scenes from history, a story, etc. 2. famous in story or history storied2 [stôr′ēd] adj. having stories, or floors: usually in hyphenated compounds [many storied] … English World dictionary
-storied — suffix AMERICAN used for saying how many levels a building has … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
storied — late 15c., ornamented with scenes from history, from pp. of verb form of STORY (Cf. story) (1). Meaning celebrated in history or legend is from 1725 … Etymology dictionary
storied — (Amer.) sto·ried || stÉ”Ërɪd adj. having a certain number of stories or floors; recorded in history, legendary … English contemporary dictionary
storied — I. adjective Date: 14th century 1. decorated with designs representing scenes from story or history < a storied tapestry > 2. having an interesting history ; celebrated in story or history < a storied institution > II. adjective or … New Collegiate Dictionary
storied — stor|ied [ˈsto:rid] adj 1.) two storied/five storied etc AmE having two etc storeys 2.) [only before noun] literary being the subject of many stories = ↑famous ▪ Sun Tzu, the storied Chinese leader and philosopher … Dictionary of contemporary English
Storied — Story Sto ry, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Storied}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Storying}.] To tell in historical relation; to make the subject of a story; to narrate or describe in story. [1913 Webster] How worthy he is I will leave to appear hereafter, rather… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
storied — storied1 /stawr eed, stohr /, adj. 1. recorded or celebrated in history or story: the storied cities of ancient Greece. 2. ornamented with designs representing historical, legendary, or similar subjects. [1475 85; STORY1 + ED3] storied2 /stawr… … Universalium
storied — adjective 1 two storied/five storied etc AmE having two etc storeys 2 (only before noun) literary being the subject of many stories; famous … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
storied — adj. Storied is used with these nouns: ↑career … Collocations dictionary