- -sophy
- [-səfı]
в сложных словах с греч. корнями имеет значение наука:
philosophy - философия
theosophy - теософия
anthroposophy - антропософия
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
philosophy - философия
theosophy - теософия
anthroposophy - антропософия
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Sophy — may refer to:* Sophy Gray (1814 1871), Diocesan administrator, artist, architect, and horsewoman * The Sophy , an English Renaissance playee also* Sophie … Wikipedia
-sophy — formative element meaning knowledge, from O.Fr. sophie, from L. sophia, from Gk. sophia, from sophia skill, wisdom, knowledge, of unknown origin … Etymology dictionary
-sophy — [sə fē] [< Gr sophia, skill, wisdom] combining form knowledge or thought [theosophy] … English World dictionary
Sophy Gray — or Sophia Gray (5 January 1814 27 April 1871), was a Diocesan administrator, artist, architect, horsewoman and the wife of Cape Town bishop Robert Gray. Born 5 January 1814 at Easington in Yorkshire, the 5th daughter of county squire Richard… … Wikipedia
Sophy Momomiya — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda sha luna (ミナミ ルナ sha Luna) es una muchacha de 15 años de edad, que es uno de los personajes principales del anime y mangaTokyo Mew Mew. Luna una cantante normal que su ADN es mezclado con el de un animal en peligro… … Wikipedia Español
sophy — noun Etymology: Persian Safī Date: 1534 archaic a sovereign of Persia … New Collegiate Dictionary
-sophy — noun combining form Etymology: French sophie, from Latin sophia, from Greek, from sophia wisdom, from sophos knowledge ; wisdom ; science < anthroposophy > … New Collegiate Dictionary
Sophy — /soh fee, sof ee/, n., pl. Sophies. (sometimes l.c.) any of the Safavid rulers of Persia: used as a title. Also, Sophi. [1530 40; prob. < Turk sofi < Pers sufi SUFI, by assoc. with Safawi the SAFAVID dynasty] * * * … Universalium
-sophy — a combining form occurring in loanwords from Greek (philosophy; theosophy); on this model used, with the meaning science of, in the formation of compound words: anthroposophy. [ < Gk sophia, comb. form of sophía skill, wisdom; see Y3] * * * … Universalium
Sophy — noun a) a variant of Sophia and Sophie. b) A former title of the rulers of Persia; Shah … Wiktionary
Sophy — englische Form von → Sophie (Bedeutung: Weisheit) … Deutsch namen