- -phore
- [-fɔ:]
в сложных словах с греч. корнями имеет значение то, что несёт или содержит что-л.:
sporophore - спорофор
photophore - фотофор (светящийся орган)
phyllophore - конечная почка
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
sporophore - спорофор
photophore - фотофор (светящийся орган)
phyllophore - конечная почка
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
-phore — ♦ Élément, du gr. pherein « porter » (comp. gr. en phoros) : doryphore, métaphore, phosphore, sémaphore. phore élément, du gr. pherein, porter . ⇒ PHORE, élém. formant Élém. tiré du gr. «qui porte, qui transporte» (lui même tiré de «porter,… … Encyclopédie Universelle
-phore — (f[^o]r), suff. [Gr. fe rein to bring, bear, carry.] Combining form meaning bearer of the element preceding; as, ionophore; semaphore. [PJC] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
-phore — [fôr, fōr] [ModL phorus, phorum < Gr phoros, phoron < pherein, to BEAR1] combining form forming nouns bearer, producer [carpophore] … English World dictionary
phore — pho·to·phore; phyl·lo·phore; phy·so·phore; pneu·ma·to·phore; pte·ryg·io·phore; pte·rygo·phore; ret·i·no·phore; rhas·o·phore; rhi·no·phore; rhi·zo·phore; sco·lop·o·phore; sper·ma·tio·phore; sper·mato·phore; spo·ran·gi·o·phore; spo·ro·phore;… … English syllables
-phore — comb. form forming nouns meaning bearer (ctenophore; semaphore). Derivatives: phorous comb. form forming adjectives. Etymology: mod.L f. Gk phoros phoron bearing, bearer f. phero bear * * * phore, combining form. a thing that bears, or carries :… … Useful english dictionary
-phore — a word element forming a noun termination meaning bearer , thing or part bearing (something) , as in anthophore, gonophore, ommatophore. {New Latin phorus, from Greek phoros bearing. Compare French phore} …
-phore — noun combining form Etymology: New Latin phorus, from Greek phoros, from phoros (adjective combining form) carrying, from pherein to carry more at bear carrier < gametophore > … New Collegiate Dictionary
-phore — a combining form meaning bearer of, thing or part bearing that specified by the initial element: gonophore. Cf. phorous. [ < NL phorus < Gk phoros bearing, verbid of phérein; see BEAR1] * * * … Universalium
phore — (fo r ) s. m. Genre d insectes diptères, nommé aussi trinerve … Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré
-phore — [Gr. phoros carrying] a word termination denoting a carrier of the object designated by the stem to which it is affixed, as a melanophore … Medical dictionary
phore — amphore anaphore canéphore choéphore coccolithophore doryphore déphosphore galactophore gonophore hygrophore lampadophore lophophore luminophore métaphore nécrophore onychophore phosphore photophore pneumatophore pogonophore porophore pyrophore… … Dictionnaire des rimes