- -phagous
- [-fəgəs] биол.
в сложных прилагательных с греч. корнями имеет значение питающийся чем-л.:
hylophagous, xylophagous - поедающий древесину
phytophagous - растительноядный
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
hylophagous, xylophagous - поедающий древесину
phytophagous - растительноядный
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
-phagous — comb. form meaning eating, feeding on, from Gk. phagos eater of, from phagein to eat, lit. to have a share of food, from PIE root *bhag to share out, apportion, distribute, also to get a share (Cf. Skt. bhajati assigns, allots, apportions, enjoys … Etymology dictionary
-phagous — [fə gəs] [< Gr phagos < phagein, to eat < IE base * bhag , to allot, receive as share > Sans bhajati, (he) allots] combining form forming adjectives that eats (something specified) [entomophagous, ichthyophagous] … English World dictionary
-phagous — comb. form that eats (as specified) (ichthyophagous). Etymology: L phagus f. Gk phagos f. phagein eat * * * fəgəs adjective combining form Etymology: Greek phagos, from phagein to eat more at baksheesh : feeding especially on a (specified) kind… … Useful english dictionary
-phagous — adjective combining form Etymology: Greek phagos, from phagein to eat more at baksheesh eating < saprophagous > … New Collegiate Dictionary
-phagous — a combining form meaning eating, feeding on, devouring that specified by the initial element: creophagous; hylophagous; rhizophagous. [ < Gk phagos, adj. deriv. of phágein to eat; see OUS] * * * … Universalium
-phagous — combining form feeding or subsisting on a specified food: coprophagous. Origin from L. phagus, Gk phagos (from phagein eat ) + ous … English new terms dictionary
-phagous — pha·gous … English syllables
-phagous — aff. a combining form meaning “eating,”“feeding on”: hematophagous; xylophagous[/ex] • Etymology: < Gk phagos, adj. der. of phageîn to eat … From formal English to slang
-phagous — a word element forming an adjective termination meaning eating , feeding on , devouring , as in creophagous, hylophagous, rhizophagous. {Latin phagus, from Greek phagos} …
Necrophagist — Not to be confused with Necrophagia. Necrophagist Necrophagist performing in Germany in 2010. Shown from left to right: Stephan Fimmers, Muhammed Suiçmez, Romain Goulon (behind), and Sami Raatikainen. Background information … Wikipedia
-phage — a combining form meaning a thing that devours, used in the formation of compound words, esp. the names of phagocytes: macrophage. Also, phag. Cf. phago , phagous, phagy. [n. use of Gk phagos PHAGOUS] * * * … Universalium