Manship — can refer to: The characteristics of being a man; maleness, masculinity or manliness Charles Henry Manship, Jackson, Mississippi mayor Deborah Manship, Welsh actress Paul Manship, American sculptor James Renwick Manship, American historian Tommy… … Wikipedia
-manship — [mən ship] [< (GAMES)MANSHIP] combining form talent or skill (esp. in gaining advantage) in connection with: used freely in nonce words [grantsmanship, quotesmanship] … English World dictionary
Manship — [ mænʃɪp], Paul, amerikanischer Bildhauer, * Saint Paul (Minnesota) 25. 12. 1885, ✝ New York 31. 1. 1966; Vertreter des Neoklassizismus; Studienreisen nach Rom und Griechenland. Er schuf neben architekturbezogenen Arbeiten Figuren (Jäger,… … Universal-Lexikon
manship — noun The characteristic of being a man; maleness; masculinity; manliness; manhood. Every man is a man if he chooses to be, and has in himself all that he needs in order to be a man in the full significance of the term; and therefore no one has… … Wiktionary
Manship House — may refer to: Manship House (Baton Rouge, Louisiana), listed on the National Register of Historic Places in East Baton Rouge Parish, Louisiana Manship House (Jackson, Mississippi), listed on the National Register of Historic Places in Hinds… … Wikipedia
Manship House — bezeichnet mehrere gleichnamige, im NRHP gelistete, Objekte: Manship House (Louisiana), ID Nr. 80001716 Manship House (Mississippi), ID Nr. 72000693 Diese Seite ist eine Begriffsklärung zur Unterscheidung mehrerer mit demselben Wort bezei … Deutsch Wikipedia
Manship, Paul — ▪ American sculptor born December 25, 1885, St. Paul, Minnesota, U.S. died January 31, 1966, New York, New York American sculptor whose subjects and modern, generalized style were largely inspired by classical sculpture. He is particularly… … Universalium
-manship — noun suffix Etymology: man + ship (as in horsemanship) 1. art or practice of a competitive nature < brinkmanship > 2. skilled engagement in a competitive activity < grantsmanship > … New Collegiate Dictionary
-manship — a combination of man and ship, used as an independent suffix with the meaning skill in a particular activity, esp. of a competitive nature : brinkmanship; grantsmanship; one upmanship; sometimes compounded with a plural noun by analogy with… … Universalium
-manship — suffix (forming nouns) denoting skill in a subject or activity: marksmanship … English new terms dictionary
-manship — suffix (in uncountable nouns) the art or skill of a particular type of person: seamanship (=sailing skill): statesmanship | horsemanship (=skill at horse riding) … Longman dictionary of contemporary English