- -ium
- [-ıəm] suff
образует названия химических веществ и их компонентов1. элементов:
niobium - ниобий
calcium - кальций
2. катионов:ammonium - аммоний
ethenium - этений
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
niobium - ниобий
calcium - кальций
ammonium - аммоний
ethenium - этений
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
-ium — ♦ Élément, entrant dans la formation de certains noms de métaux : magnésium, zirconium. ⇒ IUM, suff. Suff. utilisé pour la const. de termes appartenant au vocab. de la chim. et de la physique. A. [Les mots constr. sont des subst. masc. désignant… … Encyclopédie Universelle
IUM — is an acronym for...*Independent University of Moscow *International University of Monaco *International University of Multimedia *A product by Hewlett Packard in its OpenView framework … Wikipedia
-ium — [ē əm, yəm] [ModL < L, ending of certain neuter nouns] suffix 1. a) forming Modern Latin names for chemical elements [sodium] b) forming the names of certain positive ions [ammonium, carbonium] 2. forming the names of certain biological… … English World dictionary
-ium — suffix forming nouns denoting esp.: 1 (also um) names of metallic elements (uranium; tantalum). 2 a region of the body (pericardium; hypogastrium). 3 a biological structure (mycelium; prothallium). Etymology: from or after L ium f. Gk ion * * * … Useful english dictionary
ium — san·i·tar·ium; hahn·ium; hemi·cho·lin·ium; mu·on·ium; ruth·er·ford·ium; Val·ium; … English syllables
IUM — Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom. Ium ou IUM peut être : Les initiales anglaises de l Université internationale du multimédia. Un animal fictif dans la Les Mondes d Aldébaran.… … Wikipédia en Français
-ium — I cvb aff. a suffix found on nouns borrowed from Latin, esp. derivatives of verbs (odium; tedium; colloquium; delirium), deverbal compounds with the initial element denoting the object of the verb (nasturtium), other types of compounds… … From formal English to slang
IUM — Die Abkürzung IUM steht für: Integrierte Unternehmensmodellierung International University of Management in Windhoek, Namibia Diese Seite ist eine Begriffsklärung zur Unterscheidung mehrerer mit demselben Wort bezeichneter Begriffe … Deutsch Wikipedia
-ium — a suffix found on nouns borrowed from Latin, esp. derivatives of verbs (odium; tedium; colloquium; delirium), deverbal compounds with the initial element denoting the object of the verb (nasturtium), other types of compounds (equilibrium;… … Universalium
-ium — noun suffix 1. [New Latin, from Latin, ending of some neuter nouns] a. a chemical element < sodium > b. cation < tetrazolium > 2. plural iums or ia [New Latin, from Latin, from Greek ion] small one … New Collegiate Dictionary
IUM — Independent University of Moscow (Academic & Science » Universities) * Investors Underwriting Managers, Inc. (Business » Firms) * Investors Underwriting Managers, Inc. (Business » Stock Exchange) * Interocean Ugland Management Corporation… … Abbreviations dictionary