- blushless
- [ʹblʌʃlıs] a
1) беззастенчивый2) бесстыдный, бесстыжий
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Blushless — Blush less, a. Free from blushes; incapable of blushing; shameless; impudent. [1913 Webster] Vice now, secure, her blushless front shall raise. Dodsley. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
blushless — adjective Without blushes; unblushing … Wiktionary
blushless — blushˈless adjective • • • Main Entry: ↑blush … Useful english dictionary
Black Dagger Brotherhood — The Black Dagger Brotherhood is an erotic paranormal romance series by author J. R. Ward. The series focuses on six vampire brothers and warriors who live together and defend their race against lessers , de souled humans who threaten their… … Wikipedia
Schempp-Hirth Arcus — Arcus Constructeur Schempp Hirth Classe de compétition … Wikipédia en Français
blush — blushful, adj. blushfully, adv. blushfulness, n. blushingly, adv. blushless, adj. /blush/, v.i. 1. to redden, as from embarrassment or shame: He blushed when they called him a conquering hero. 2. to feel shame or embarrassment (often fol. by at… … Universalium
blush — /blʌʃ / (say blush) verb (i) 1. to redden as from embarrassment, shame, or modesty. 2. to feel shame (at, for, etc.). 3. (of the sky, flowers, etc.) to become rosy. –verb (t) 4. to make red; flush. 5. to make known by a blush. –noun 6. a… …