
1. [blʌʃ] n
1. краска стыда, смущения

to put to the blush - заставить покраснеть, вогнать в краску

to spare smb.'s blushes - щадить чью-л. скромность

she turned away to hide her blushes - она отвернулась, чтобы скрыть своё смущение

she said it with a blush - она сказала это и зарделась

2. 1) розоватый цвет или отблеск
2) багрянец, красный цвет

at (the) first blush - а) с первого взгляда; б) на первый взгляд

at first blush he thought the job would be easy - на первый взгляд работа показалась ему лёгкой

2. [blʌʃ] v
1) краснеть, заливаться краской от смущения, стыда; смущаться

to blush like a rose - зардеться как маков цвет

to blush to the roots of one's hair - покраснеть до корней волос

I blush for you - я краснею за вас

I do not blush to own that I am wrong - я не стыжусь признаться, что я неправ

2) смущать, вгонять в краску

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Смотреть что такое "blush" в других словарях:

  • blush — vb Blush, flush are comparable as verbs primarily when meaning to turn or grow red in the face and as nouns when meaning a turning or growing red in the face. Blush implies a sudden heightening of color usually as the result of shame or… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • Blush — Blush, n. 1. A suffusion of the cheeks or face with red, as from a sense of shame, confusion, or modesty. [1913 Webster] The rosy blush of love. Trumbull. [1913 Webster] 2. A red or reddish color; a rosy tint. [1913 Webster] Light s last blushes… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • blush — [ blɶʃ ] n. m. • 1969; mot angl. « afflux de sang au visage » ♦ Anglic. Fard à joues sec. Touche de blush. Des blushs. ● blush, blushs nom masculin (anglais to blush, rougir) Fard à joues applicable au pinceau. blush [blœʃ] n. m. ÉTYM. 1969 …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Blush — (bl[u^]sh) v. i. [imp. & p. p. {Blushed} (bl[u^]sht); p. pr. & vb. n. {Blushing}.] [OE. bluschen to shine, look, turn red, AS. blyscan to glow; akin to blysa a torch, [=a]bl[=y]sian to blush, D. blozen, Dan. blusse to blaze, blush.] [1913… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • blush — blush·ful; blush; blush·er; blush·ful·ly; blush·ing·ly; un·blush·ing·ly; un·blush·ing·ness; …   English syllables

  • blush — [blush] vi. [ME blushen, to shine brightly, blush, glance < OE blyscan; akin to blyse, torch < IE * bhles , shine > BLAZE1] 1. to become red in the face from shame, embarrassment, or confusion 2. to be ashamed or embarrassed: usually… …   English World dictionary

  • Blush — Blush, v. t. 1. To suffuse with a blush; to redden; to make roseate. [Obs.] [1913 Webster] To blush and beautify the cheek again. Shak. [1913 Webster] 2. To express or make known by blushing. [1913 Webster] I ll blush you thanks. Shak. [1913… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • blush — ► VERB ▪ become red in the face through shyness or embarrassment. ► NOUN 1) an instance of blushing. 2) literary a pink or pale red tinge. ● at first blush Cf. ↑at first blush DERIVATIVES …   English terms dictionary

  • blush-on — /blush on , awn /, n. blusher (def. 2). [b. BLUSH and v. phrase brush on] * * * …   Universalium

  • blush-on — blush′ on n. cvb clo blusher 2) • Etymology: b. blush and v. phrase brush on …   From formal English to slang

  • blush — [n] pink coloring bloom, blossom, burning, color, flush, flushing, glow, glowing, mantling, pink tinge, reddening, redness, rosiness, rosy tint, ruddiness, scarlet; concept 622 Ant. paleness, pallidity, whiteness blush [v] become colored, pinken… …   New thesaurus

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