-cracy — comb. element forming nouns meaning rule or government by, from Fr. cratie or M.L. cratia, from Gk. kratia power, might; rule, sway; power over; a power, authority, from kratos strength, from PIE *kratus power, strength (see HARD (Cf. hard)). The … Etymology dictionary
-cracy — ► COMBINING FORM ▪ denoting a particular form of government or rule: democracy. ORIGIN from Greek kratia power, rule … English terms dictionary
-cracy — [krə sē] [Fr cracie < ML cratia < Gr kratia, rule < kratos, rule, strength: see HARD] combining form a (specified) type of government; rule by [autocracy, theocracy] … English World dictionary
-cracy — The English suffix cracy means a form of government or a state having such government. It is derived from the ancient Greek kratein , meaning to rule . Typically, the suffix is encountered in distinguishing between the following different forms… … Wikipedia
-cracy — noun combining form Etymology: Middle French & Late Latin; Middle French cratie, from Late Latin cratia, from Greek kratia, from kratos strength, power more at hard 1. form of government; also state having such a form < monocracy > 2. social or … New Collegiate Dictionary
-cracy — a combining form occurring in loanwords from Greek (aristocracy; democracy); on this model used, with the meaning rule, government, governing body, to form abstract nouns from stems of other origin: mobocracy; bureaucracy. Cf. crat. [ < MF cracie … Universalium
-cracy — combining form denoting a particular form of government or rule: democracy. Origin from Fr. cratie, via med. L. from Gk kratia power, rule … English new terms dictionary
-cracy — (G). Rule; strength … Dictionary of word roots and combining forms
-cracy — suffix (in nouns) another form of the suffix ocracy: bureaucracy (=government by officials who are not elected) … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
-cracy — cra·cy … English syllables
-cracy — aff. a combining form meaning “rule,”“government” by the agent specified by the initial element: democracy; theocracy Compare crat • Etymology: < MF cracie (now cratie) < LL cratia < Gk kratia=krát(os) rule, strength, might + ia y III … From formal English to slang