- zymogenic
- [͵zaıməʹdʒenık] n биохим.
возбуждающий брожение
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Zymogenic — ym o*gen ic, a. (Biol.) (a) Pertaining to, or formed by, a zymogene. (b) Capable of producing a definite zymogen or ferment. [1913 Webster] {Zymogenic organism} (Biol.), a micro[ o]rganism, such as the yeast plant of the {Bacterium lactis},… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
zymogenic — [zī mä′jə nəszī΄mōjen′ik, zī məjen′ik] adj. Biochem. 1. of, having to do with, or producing a zymogen 2. causing fermentation: Also zymogenous [zī mä′jə nəs] * * * zy·mo·gen·ic (zī mə jĕnʹĭk) also zy·mog·e·nous (zī mŏjʹə nəs) adj. 1. Of or… … Universalium
zymogenic — [zī mä′jə nəszī΄mōjen′ik, zī məjen′ik] adj. Biochem. 1. of, having to do with, or producing a zymogen 2. causing fermentation: Also zymogenous [zī mä′jə nəs] … English World dictionary
Zymogenic organism — Zymogenic ym o*gen ic, a. (Biol.) (a) Pertaining to, or formed by, a zymogene. (b) Capable of producing a definite zymogen or ferment. [1913 Webster] {Zymogenic organism} (Biol.), a micro[ o]rganism, such as the yeast plant of the {Bacterium… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
zymogenic organism — zymogenic organism, any microorganism, as yeast, causing fermentative processes … Useful english dictionary
zymogenic — adjective a) Pertaining to, or formed by, a zymogene b) Capable of producing a definite zymogen or ferment … Wiktionary
zymogenic — 1. Relating to a zymogen or to zymogenesis. SYN: zymogenous. 2. Causing fermentation. * * * zy·mo·gen·ic (zi″mo jenґik) pertaining to a zymogen (proenzyme) or to its transformation into an active enzyme form … Medical dictionary
zymogenic — causing fermentation Causation and Formation … Phrontistery dictionary
zymogenic — adj. causing fermentation; of a zymogen, of a substance which becomes an enzyme under certain conditions … English contemporary dictionary
zymogenic — zy·mo·gen·ic … English syllables
zymogenic — /zaɪmoʊˈdʒɛnɪk/ (say zuymoh jenik) adjective of or relating to a zymogen …