- zwinglian
- 1. [ʹzwıŋ|glıən,ʹtsvıŋ{glıən}-] n рел.
цвинглианец, последователь учения Цвингли2. [ʹzwıŋ|glıən,ʹtsvıŋ{glıən}-] a рел.цвинглианский
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
zwinglian — ZWINGLIÁN, Ă adj., s.m. şi s.f. (Adept) Al zwinglianismului (zwinglianism). (din fr. zwinglien) Trimis de tavi, 12.05.2004. Sursa: MDN zwinglián s. m., pl. zwingliéni Trimis de siveco, 10.08.2004. Sursa … Dicționar Român
Zwinglian — wing li*an, prop. a. (Theol.) Of or pertaining to Ulric Zwingli (1481 1531), the reformer of German Switzerland, who maintained that in the Lord s Supper the true body of Christ is present by the contemplation of faith but not in essence or… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Zwinglian — 1532, after Ulrich Zwingli (1484 1531), Swiss Protestant reformer … Etymology dictionary
Zwinglian — [zwiŋ′lē ən] adj. of Zwingli or his doctrines, esp. the doctrine that the body of Christ is not actually present in the Eucharist and that the ceremony is merely a commemorative one n. a follower of Zwingli Zwinglianism n … English World dictionary
Zwinglian — adjective Date: 1532 of or relating to Ulrich Zwingli or his teachings and especially his doctrine that Christ s presence in the Eucharist is not corporeal but symbolic • Zwinglian noun • Zwinglianism noun … New Collegiate Dictionary
Zwinglian — Zwinglianism, n. Zwinglianist, n., adj. /zwing glee euhn, swing , tsving lee /, adj. 1. of or pertaining to Ulrich Zwingli or his doctrines, largely agreeing with those of Luther and offering a distinctive interpretation of the Lord s Supper. n.… … Universalium
Zwinglian — 1. adjective Relating or referring to , his beliefs, or his followers and adherents. 2. noun A follower of Zwingli, who disagreed with Luther in rejecting the doctrine of the presence of Christ in the Eucharist … Wiktionary
Zwinglian — adj. of or pertaining to the doctrine purported by Ulrich Zwingli n. follower of the doctrine purported by Ulrich Zwingli … English contemporary dictionary
zwinglian — zwing·li·an … English syllables
Zwinglian — /ˈsvɪŋgliən/ (say svinggleeuhn) adjective 1. of or relating to Ulrich Zwingli or his doctrines, which were largely in agreement with those of Luther and offered a distinctive, spiritualist interpretation of the Lord s Supper. –noun 2. a follower… …
zwinglian — n. & adj. n. a follower of the Swiss religious reformer U. Zwingli (d. 1531). adj. of or relating to Zwingli or his reforms … Useful english dictionary