- zoroastrian
- 1. [͵zɒrəʋʹæstrıən] n ист. рел.
последователь Заратуштры2. [͵zɒrəʋʹæstrıən] a ист. рел.относящийся к Заратуштре, зороастрийский
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
zoroastrian — ZOROASTRIÁN, Ă adj., s.m. şi s.f. (Adept) Al zoroastrismului. (din fr. zoroastrien) Trimis de tavi, 13.09.2007. Sursa: MDN ZOROASTRIÁN, Ă adj. Referitor la zoroastrism. // s.m. şi f. Adept al zoroastrismului. [pron … Dicționar Român
Zoroastrian — o ro*as tri*an, a. Of or pertaining to Zoroaster, or his religious system. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Zoroastrian — o ro*as tri*an, n. A follower of Zoroaster; one who accepts Zoroastrianism. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Zoroastrian — 1743, from Zoroaster, from L. Zoroastres, from O.Pers. Zarathushtra, 6c. or 7c. B.C.E. Persian religious teacher. The name appears to be lit. whose camels are old, from *zarant old (cognate with Gk. geron, gen. gerontos old; see GERONTOLOGY (Cf.… … Etymology dictionary
Zoroastrian — [zō΄rō as′trē ən, zôr΄ōas′trē ən] adj. of or having to do with Zoroaster or Zoroastrianism n. an adherent of Zoroastrianism … English World dictionary
zoroastrian — n. member of the ancient Persian Zoroastrian religion (Religion) adj. of the ancient Persian Zoroastrian religion (Religion) … English contemporary dictionary
Zoroastrian — Zoroastrianism ► NOUN ▪ a religion of ancient Persia based on the worship of a single god, founded by the prophet Zoroaster (also called Zarathustra) in the 6th century BC. DERIVATIVES Zoroastrian adjective & noun … English terms dictionary
Zoroastrian music — is a kind of religious music that accompanies religious and traditional rites among the Zoroastrian people.Prior to the arrival of Islam, Zoroastrians knew choral and solo performance songs. Most of those songs are no longer performed, though… … Wikipedia
Zoroastrian calendar — The Zoroastrian calendar is a religious calendar used by members of the Zoroastrian faith, and it is an approximation of the (tropical) solar calendar. To this day, Zoroastrians, irrespective of geographic location, adhere to (variations of) this … Wikipedia
Zoroastrian festivals — Zoroastrianism has numerous festivals and holy days, all of which are bound to the Zoroastrian calendar. The Shahenshahi and Kadmi variants of the calendar do not intercalcate leap years and hence the day of the Gregorian calendar year on which… … Wikipedia
Zoroastrian wedding — In the Zoroastrian faith marriage is encouraged, an institution greatly favoured by the religious texts [Vendidad (IV. 47)] . As of such, a Zoroastrian wedding is a cause for celebration. Age of EligibilityAccording to Zoroastrian texts texts… … Wikipedia