- zoosporangia
- [͵zəʋəspəʹrændʒıə] pl от zoosporangium
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Chlorophyceae — Scientific classification Domain: Eukaryota Kingdom: Plantae … Wikipedia
Chytridiomycota — Temporal range: Devonian–Recent … Wikipedia
Apodachlya — Taxobox name = Leptomitales image width = image caption = domain = Eukaryota regnum = Chromalveolata phylum = Heterokontophyta classis = Oomycetes ordo = Leptomitales familia = Leptomitaceae genus = Apodachlya subdivision ranks = Species… … Wikipedia
fungus — fungic /fun jik/, adj. funguslike, adj. /fung geuhs/, n., pl. fungi /fun juy, fung guy/, funguses, adj. n. 1. any of a diverse group of eukaryotic single celled or multinucleate organisms that live by decomposing and absorbing the organic… … Universalium
zoosporangium — zoosporangial, adj. /zoh euh speuh ran jee euhm/, n., pl. zoosporangia / jee euh/. Bot. a sporangium or spore case in which zoospores are produced. [1870 75; ZOO + SPORANGIUM] * * * … Universalium
zoosporangial — adjective Of or pertaining to zoosporangia … Wiktionary
zoosporangium — /zoʊəspɔˈrændʒiəm/ (say zohuhspaw ranjeeuhm) noun (plural zoosporangia /zoʊəspɔˈrændʒiə/ (say zohuhspaw ranjeeuh)) a sporangium or spore case in which zoospores are produced. {zoo + sporangium} –zoosporangial, adjective …
zoosporangium — [zō΄ōspə ran′jē əm, zō΄əspə ran′jē əm] n. pl. zoosporangia [zō΄ō spə ran′jē ə, zō΄ə spə ran′jē ə] [ModL: see ZOO & SPORANGIUM] Bot. a sporangium in certain fungi and algae, producing zoospores zoosporangial [zō΄ō spə ran′jēəl, zō΄ə spə ran′jēəl]… … English World dictionary
aphanomyces — ˌafənōˈmīˌsēz noun Usage: capitalized Etymology: New Latin, from aphan + myces : a genus of fungi (order Saprolegniales) characterized by slender zoosporangia with but one row of zoospores and occurring as parasites in algae and roots of higher… … Useful english dictionary
zoosporangiophore — |zōə+ noun Etymology: zo + sporangiophore : a sporangiophore that bears zoosporangia … Useful english dictionary
zoosporangium — “+ noun (plural zoosporangia) Etymology: New Latin, from zo + sporangium : a spore case or sporangium bearing zoospores … Useful english dictionary