- zoophilous
- [zəʋʹɒfıləs] a
1. книжн.1) любящий животных2) страдающий зоофилией2. бот. опыляемый животными3. зоол. предпочитающий животных (о насекомых)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
zoophilous — zo·oph·i·lous zō äf ə ləs adj ZOOPHILIC <a zoophilous mosquito> * * * zo·oph·i·lous (zo ofґĭ ləs) zoophilic … Medical dictionary
zoophilous — adjective see zoophilic … New Collegiate Dictionary
zoophilous — adj. [Gr. zoon, animal; philos, loving] Animal loving … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
zoophilous — /zoh of euh leuhs/, adj. 1. Bot. adapted to pollination by animals, esp. those other than insects. 2. having an affinity for animals. Also, zoophilic /zoh euh fil ik/. [1885 90; ZOO + PHILOUS] * * * … Universalium
zoophilous — adj. fond of animals; pollinated by animals (Botany) … English contemporary dictionary
zoophilous — zo·oph·i·lous … English syllables
zoophilous — zo•oph•i•lous [[t]zoʊˈɒf ə ləs[/t]] also zo•o•phil•ic [[t]ˌzoʊ əˈfɪl ɪk[/t]] adj. 1) bot adapted to pollination by animals, esp. those other than insects 2) having an affinity for animals • Etymology: 1885–90 … From formal English to slang
zoophilous — /zoʊˈɒfələs/ (say zoh ofuhluhs) adjective 1. Botany adapted to pollination by the agency of animals. 2. loving animals. 3. (of insects) feeding on animals …
zoophilous — adjective see zoophilic * * * /zoh of euh leuhs/, adj. 1. Bot. adapted to pollination by animals, esp. those other than insects. 2. having an affinity for animals. Also, zoophilic /zoh euh fil ik/. [1885 90; ZOO + PHILOUS] * * * zōophˈilous… … Useful english dictionary
zoophilic — or zoophilous adjective Date: 1886 having an attraction to or preference for animals; especially of an insect preferring animals to humans as a source of food … New Collegiate Dictionary
Anemophily — or wind pollination is a form of pollination whereby pollen is distributed by wind. Unlike entomophilous and zoophilous species, whose pollen is spread by insects and vertebrates respectively, anemophilous species do not develop scented flowers,… … Wikipedia