zone refining
Смотреть что такое "zone refining" в других словарях:
zone refining — zoninis gryninimas statusas T sritis radioelektronika atitikmenys: angl. zone purification; zone refining vok. Zonenreinigung, f rus. зонная очистка, f pranc. purification de zone, f; raffinage zonal, m ryšiai: palygink – zoninis valymas … Radioelektronikos terminų žodynas
zone refining — zoninis valymas statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. zone purification; zone refining vok. Zonenreinigung, f; Zonenreinigungsverfahren, n rus. зонная очистка, f; очистка методом зонной плавки, f pranc. raffinage par fusion de zone, m … Fizikos terminų žodynas
zone refining — zoninis valymas statusas T sritis radioelektronika atitikmenys: angl. zone refining vok. Zonenreinigung, f rus. очистка методом зонной плавки, f pranc. raffinage par fusion de zone, m … Radioelektronikos terminų žodynas
zone refining — zoninis lydymas statusas T sritis chemija apibrėžtis Kietosios medžiagos gryninimas išlydymo zonai slenkant išilgai įkrovos. atitikmenys: angl. zone melt; zone refining rus. зонная плавка … Chemijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
zone refining — noun Date: 1952 a technique for the purification of a crystalline material and especially a metal in which a molten region travels through the material to be refined, picks up impurities at its advancing edge, and then allows the purified part to … New Collegiate Dictionary
zone refining — noun also zone melting : a technique for the purification of a crystalline material (as a metal or semiconductor) in which a molten region travels through the material to be refined, picks up impurities at its advancing edge, and then allows the… … Useful english dictionary
zone refining — noun zone melting … Wiktionary
Zone melting — is a method of separation by melting in which a molten zone traverses a long ingot of impure metal or chemical. In its common use for purification, the molten region melts impure solid at its forward edge and leaves a wake of purer material… … Wikipedia
Refining — (also called affining) is the process of purification of a substance. The term is usually used of a natural resource that is almost in a usable form, but which is more useful in its pure form. For instance, most types of natural petroleum will… … Wikipedia
zone melting — a process of purifying any of various metals and other materials, as germanium or silicon, by passing it in bar form through an induction coil. Also called zone refining. Cf. cage zone melting. [1955 60] * * * Any of a group of techniques used to … Universalium
zone melting — noun see zone refining * * * a process of purifying any of various metals and other materials, as germanium or silicon, by passing it in bar form through an induction coil. Also called zone refining. Cf. cage zone melting. [1955 60] * * * zone… … Useful english dictionary