- zombiism
- [ʹzɒmbıız(ə)m] n
вера в оборотней, нечистую силу, магию и т. п.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
zombiism — noun Date: 1932 the beliefs and practices of the cult of the zombi … New Collegiate Dictionary
zombiism — noun The condition of being a zombie … Wiktionary
zombiism — zom·bi·ism … English syllables
zombiism — ēˌizəm noun ( s) : the beliefs and rites of the cult of the zombi * * * zomˈbiism noun Belief in a zombie, or practice of rites associated with this belief • • • Main Entry: ↑zombie … Useful english dictionary
zombie — zombiism, n. /zom bee/, n. 1. (in voodoo) a. the body of a dead person given the semblance of life, but mute and will less, by a supernatural force, usually for some evil purpose. b. the supernatural force itself. 2. Informal. a. a person whose… … Universalium
zombie — /ˈzɒmbi / (say zombee) noun 1. the python god among certain western Africans. 2. the snake god worshipped in the voodoo ceremonies in the West Indies and certain parts of the southern US. 3. a supernatural force which supposedly brings a corpse… …