- bluebonnet
1> круглая плоская синяя шапочка (которую носили в Шотландии)
2> крестьянин или солдат в шапочке
3> шотландец
4> василек
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
bluebonnet — [blo͞o′bän΄it] n. 1. a broad, flat cap of blue woolen cloth, formerly worn in Scotland 2. Archaic a Scotsman 3. any of various blue flowered lupines (esp. Lupinus subcarnosus) common in the SW U.S. 4. a cornflower with blue blossoms … English World dictionary
Bluebonnet — Taxobox name = Bluebonnets image width = 240px image caption = Lupinus texensis regnum = Plantae divisio = Magnoliophyta classis = Magnoliopsida ordo = Fabales familia = Fabaceae subfamilia = Faboideae tribus = Genisteae genus = Lupinus ( partim… … Wikipedia
bluebonnet — /blooh bon it/, n. 1. the cornflower, Centaurea cyanus. 2. a blue flowered lupine, esp. Lupinus subcarnosus, having spikes of light blue flowers with a white or yellow spot: the state flower of Texas. 3. a broad, flat cap of blue wool, formerly… … Universalium
bluebonnet — nortielos statusas T sritis zoologija | vardynas atitikmenys: lot. Northiella angl. bluebonnet vok. Blutbauchsittich, m rus. кровавобрюхий плоскохвостый попугай, m pranc. perruche à bonnet bleu, f ryšiai: platesnis terminas – rozelos siauresnis… … Paukščių pavadinimų žodynas
bluebonnet — nortiela statusas T sritis zoologija | vardynas atitikmenys: lot. Northiella haematogaster; Psephotus haematogaster angl. bluebonnet vok. Blutbauchsittich, m rus. кровавобрюхий плоскохвостый попугай, m pranc. perruche à bonnet bleu, f ryšiai:… … Paukščių pavadinimų žodynas
bluebonnet — noun 1. low growing annual herb of southwestern United States (Texas) having silky foliage and blue flowers; a leading cause of livestock poisoning in the southwestern United States • Syn: ↑buffalo clover, ↑Texas bluebonnet, ↑Lupinus subcarnosus… … Useful english dictionary
Bluebonnet (disambiguation) — Bluebonnet may refer to the following things:* Bluebonnets, a number of lupin species. They are the state flowers of Texas, namely the Texas Bluebonnet ( Lupinus texensis ) * Bluebonnet is the term for the traditional blue coloured version of the … Wikipedia
Bluebonnet Electric Cooperative — Bluebonnet Electric Cooperative, Inc. is a non profit rural electric utility cooperative headquartered in Bastrop, Texas, with suboffices in Giddings, Brenham, Lockhart, and Manor.The Cooperative was organized in 1939 as the Lower Colorado River… … Wikipedia
Bluebonnet Bowl — Collegebowl name = Bluebonnet Bowl full name = nickname = defunct = yes logo = image size = caption = 1960 Bluebonnet Bowl poster stadium = Astrodome previous stadiums = Rice Stadium (1959 1967, 1985 1986) location = Houston, Texas previous… … Wikipedia
Bluebonnet (bird) — For other uses of Bluebonnet , see Bluebonnet (disambiguation). Bluebonnet At Cocoparra National Park, Australia Conservation stat … Wikipedia
bluebonnet — noun Date: 1682 1. a. a wide flat round cap of blue wool formerly worn in Scotland b. one that wears such a cap; specifically scot 2. either of two low growing annual lupines (Lupinus subcarnosus or L. texensis) of Texas with silky foliage and… … New Collegiate Dictionary