- bluebell
- [ʹblu:bel] n бот.
1) пролеска (Scilla gen.)2) колокольчик (Campanula gen.)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Bluebell — Personnage de fiction apparaissant dans Reborn! Naissance 7 juillet Genre Fé … Wikipédia en Français
Bluebell — may refer to:In botany: *A common name for many species of flowering plants, including: **Hyacinthoides genus: ***Common Bluebell ( Hyacinthoides non scripta ) ***Italian Bluebell ( Hyacinthoides italica ) ***Spanish Bluebell ( Hyacinthoides… … Wikipedia
Bluebell — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Bluebell es el nombre de un par de satélites arficiales de la Fuerza Aérea de los Estados Unidos lanzados con fines de calibración de radares el 15 de febrero de 1966 en el mismo cohete Atlas desde la base aérea de… … Wikipedia Español
Bluebell — ist eine im Jahr 1923 durch A. Wilcox (oder M.J. Dorsey) gezüchtete rote Rebsorte. Sie ist eine Kreuzung zwischen der Rebsorte Beta sowie einer unbekannten Sorte, die vermutlich von einer Wildrebe der Sorte Vitis labrusca abstammte. An der… … Deutsch Wikipedia
bluebell — [blo͞o′bel΄] n. any of various plants (esp. of the genera Campanula and Mertensia of the bellflower and borage families) with blue, bell shaped flowers, as the harebell or Virginia bluebell … English World dictionary
Bluebell — Blue bell , n. (Bot.) (a) A plant of the genus {Campanula}, especially the {Campanula rotundifolia}, which bears blue bell shaped flowers; the harebell. (b) A plant of the genus {Scilla} ({Scilla nutans}). [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
bluebell — ► NOUN ▪ a woodland plant which produces clusters of blue bell shaped flowers … English terms dictionary
bluebell — bluebelled, adj. /blooh bel /, n. 1. any of numerous plants of the bellflower family, having blue, bell shaped flowers, as a bellflower or harebell. 2. Also called wood hyacinth. an Old World plant, Endymion non scriptus, of the lily family,… … Universalium
bluebell — noun a) Either of two flowering plants of the genus Hyacinthoides: the English bluebell and the Spanish bluebell. b) A harebell, Campanula rotundifolia … Wiktionary
bluebell — (Roget s IV) n. Syn. harebell, bluebell of Scotland, campanula, bellflower, Virginia bluebell; see also flower 2 … English dictionary for students
bluebell — UK [ˈbluːˌbel] / US [ˈbluˌbel] noun [countable] Word forms bluebell : singular bluebell plural bluebells a plant that grows in the countryside or in gardens, with small blue flowers shaped like bells … English dictionary