- yolk stalk
- [ʹjəʋkstɔ:k] биол.
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Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
yolk stalk — n. a short, thick, tubular stalk between the embryo and the yolk sac … English World dictionary
yolk stalk — yolk′ stalk n. dvl a tubular connection between the yolk sac and the embryonic gut in the developing embryo • Etymology: 1895–1900 … From formal English to slang
yolk stalk — noun : the narrow tubular stalk connecting the yolk sac with the embryo * * * a tubular connection between the yolk sac and the embryonic gut in the developing embryo. [1895 1900] * * * yolk stalk, a narrow, ductlike part that unites the yolk sac … Useful english dictionary
Yolk stalk — A narrow tube present in the early embryo that connects the midgut of the embryo to the yolk sac outside the embryo through the umbilical opening. Later in development, the yolk stalk is usually obliterated, but a remnant of it may persist: most… … Medical dictionary
yolk stalk — noun Date: 1900 the narrow tubular stalk connecting the yolk sac with the embryo … New Collegiate Dictionary
yolk stalk — a tubular connection between the yolk sac and the embryonic gut in the developing embryo. [1895 1900] * * * … Universalium
yolk stalk — n. (Medicine) narrow tube that connects the yolk sac with the midgut of the embryo … English contemporary dictionary
Yolk sac — Not all yolk has to do with birds eggs. Human embryos have a yolk sac, a membrane outside the embryo but connected by a tube (the yolk stalk) though the umbilical opening to the embryos midgut. The yolk sac serves as an early site for … Medical dictionary
yolk sac — noun 1. membranous structure that functions as the circulatory system in mammalian embryos until the heart becomes functional • Syn: ↑vitelline sac, ↑umbilical vesicle, ↑vesicula umbilicus • Hypernyms: ↑sac 2. membranous structure enclosing the… … Useful english dictionary
yolk sac — noun Date: 1861 a membranous sac of most vertebrates that encloses the yolk, is attached in most forms (as in humans) through the yolk stalk with the intestinal cavity of the embryo, and is supplied with blood vessels that transport nutritive… … New Collegiate Dictionary
stalk — A narrowed connection with a structure or organ. allantoic s. the narrow connection between the intraembryonic portion of the allantois and the extraembryonic allantoic vesicle … Medical dictionary