- yawing
- [ʹjɔ:ıŋ] = yaw I
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Yawing — Yaw Yaw (y[add]), v. i. [imp. & p. p. {Yawed} (y[add]d); p. pr. & vb. n. {Yawing}.] [Cf. {Yew}, v. i.] To rise in blisters, breaking in white froth, as cane juice in the clarifiers in sugar works. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
yawing moment — noun Etymology: yawing from present participle of yaw (II) : a moment that lends to rotate an airplane about its vertical axis yawing moment is positive when its tends to turn the plane to the right and negative when it turns the plane to the… … Useful english dictionary
yawing moment coefficient — is based on the yawing moment deriving from the distribution of aerodynamic forces acting on the vehicle … Mechanics glossary
yawing — jÉ”Ë n. deviation; angle of deviation (Aerodynamics, Nautical) v. deviate from course (Aerodynamics, Nautical) … English contemporary dictionary
yawing — … Useful english dictionary
yawing moment — the component of the moment vector tending to rotate the vehicle about the z axis, positive clockwise when looking in the positive direction of the z axis … Mechanics glossary
Flight dynamics — is the science of air and space vehicle orientation and control in three dimensions. The three critical flight dynamics parameters are the angles of rotation in three dimensions about the vehicle s center of mass, known as pitch , roll and yaw… … Wikipedia
Dutch roll — is a type of aircraft motion, consisting of an out of phase combination of tail wagging and rocking from side to side. This yaw roll coupling is one of the basic flight dynamic modes (others include phugoid, short period, and spiral divergence).… … Wikipedia
Directional stability — is stability of a moving body or vehicle about an axis which is perpendicular to its direction of motion. Stability of a vehicle concerns itself with the tendency of a vehicle to return to its original direction in relation to the oncoming medium … Wikipedia
Stability derivatives — are a means of linearising the equations of motion of an atmospheric flight vehicle so that conventional control engineering methods may be applied to assess their stability.The dynamics of atmospheric flight vehicles is potentially very… … Wikipedia
Wind turbine design — An example of a wind turbine, this 3 bladed turbine is the classic design of modern wind turbines Wind turbines History Design … Wikipedia