- yardman
- [ʹjɑ:d|mən] n (pl -men [-{ʹjɑ:d}mən])
1. 1) рабочий склада, парка, депо, верфи и т. п.2) заведующий складом, парком, депо и т. п.2. 1) скотник; рабочий скотного двора2) конюх3. садовник
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Yardman — were a three piece band formed by Ed Shred from The Stupids (band) / Chocolate. In 1993, the band released three singles on the same day, on three different record labels. [cite web | url=http://www.discogs.com/artist/Yardman | title=Yardman |… … Wikipedia
yardman — [yärd′man΄, yärd′mən] n. pl. yardmen [yärd′men΄, yärd′mən] a person who works in a yard, esp. a railroad yard … English World dictionary
yardman — noun Date: circa 1825 1. a person employed to do outdoor work (as mowing lawns) 2. a person who works in the yard of a commercial establishment; especially one who supervises the handling of building materials in a lumberyard 3. a railroad hand… … New Collegiate Dictionary
yardman — yardman1 /yahrd meuhn/, n., pl. yardmen. Naut. a sailor assigned to the yards of a vessel. [1885 90; YARD1 + MAN] yardman2 /yahrd meuhn/, n., pl. yardmen. 1. a person who works in a railroad yard, boatyard, lumberyard, or the like. 2. a person… … Universalium
yardman — noun /ˈyɑrdmən/ a) Worker in a railway yard. b) A laborer hired to do outdoor work … Wiktionary
yardman — Synonyms and related words: baggage man, bakehead, brakeman, brakie, butcher, conductor, dispatcher, fireman, footplate man, guard, lineman, porter, railroad man, railroader, redcap, smoke agent, stationmaster, stoker, switchman, trainboy,… … Moby Thesaurus
yardman — yard·man || jÉ‘rdmÉ™n / jÉ‘Ëd n. one who works on the railroad … English contemporary dictionary
yardman — noun (plural yardmen) 1》 a person working in a railway or timber yard. 2》 US a person who does various outdoor jobs … English new terms dictionary
yardman — yard·man … English syllables
yardman — yard•man [[t]ˈyɑrd mən[/t]] n. pl. men 1) cvb a person who works in a railroad yard, lumberyard, or the like 2) cvb a person employed to care for the yard of a house, public building, etc • Etymology: 1815–25 … From formal English to slang
yardman — /ˈjadmən/ (say yahdmuhn) noun (plural yardmen) 1. a general assistant in a hotel. 2. Also, yardsman. a man employed to work in the yard of a business, factory, school, private house, etc., to keep the grounds clean and tidy. 3. a man employed to… …