- yard of ale
- [͵jɑ:dəvʹeıl]
1. высокий (≈ 90 см) расширяющийся к верху сосуд (для пива или вина)2. вместимость такого сосуда (≈ 1,5 л́)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Yard-Of-Ale — Yard Ein Yard, auch Yard Of Ale, Long Glass, Ells Glass oder Cambridge Yard Glass, ist ein hohes Trinkglas, welches für gewöhnlich zum Konsum von Bier verwendet wird. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Namensgebung und Aufbau 2 Geschichte … Deutsch Wikipedia
Yard of Ale — Yard Ein Yard, auch Yard Of Ale, Long Glass, Ells Glass oder Cambridge Yard Glass, ist ein hohes Trinkglas, welches für gewöhnlich zum Konsum von Bier verwendet wird. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Namensgebung und Aufbau 2 Geschichte … Deutsch Wikipedia
Yard of ale — may mean: *Yard (beer), a measurement of beer *Yard of Ale, a pub bombed during the IRA attacks on Birmingham … Wikipedia
yard of ale — 1. : a slender horn shaped glass about three feet tall usually holding two or three pints 2. : the amount contained in a yard of ale * * * yard of ale, etc A very long, narrow glass for beer, etc, or the amount it holds • • • Main Entry: ↑yard *… … Useful english dictionary
yard of ale — a traditional Scottish measure of volume. A yard of ale is roughly 2.5 pints (1.4 liters) served in a slender glass one yard1 tall … Dictionary of units of measurement
yard-of-ale — /yahrd euhv ayl /, n. 1. a trumpet shaped glass about 3 ft. (1 m) long with a bulb at the closed end, for serving ale or beer. 2. the amount contained in such a glass. Also called aleyard, yard. [1885 90] * * * … Universalium
yard-of-ale — /yahrd euhv ayl /, n. 1. a trumpet shaped glass about 3 ft. (1 m) long with a bulb at the closed end, for serving ale or beer. 2. the amount contained in such a glass. Also called aleyard, yard. [1885 90] … Useful english dictionary
yard of ale — noun Brit. the amount of beer (typically two to three pints) held by a narrow glass about a yard high … English new terms dictionary
yard-of-ale glass — ▪ drinking glass tall, extremely narrow drinking glass that was known in England from the 17th century. It is approximately 1 yard (90 cm) long and holds about 1 pint (0.5 litre). The glass has a trumpet shaped opening at one end and either … Universalium
Yard (Trinkgefäß) — Yard Ein Yard, auch Yard Of Ale, Long Glass, Ells Glass oder Cambridge Yard Glass, ist ein hohes Trinkglas, welches für gewöhnlich zum Konsum von Bier verwendet wird. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Namensge … Deutsch Wikipedia
Yard (beer) — A yard (or yard glass) is a very tall glass used for drinking beer; a yard (or yard of ale) also refers to the (variable) quantity of beer held by such a glass.The glass is approximately 1 yard long (hence the name), shaped with a bulb at the… … Wikipedia