- blue baby
- [ʹblu:͵beıbı]
ребёнок с врождённым пороком сердца
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Blue Baby — Blue Ba|by 〈[blu: be:bi] n.; s, s; Med.〉 Neugeborenes mit angeborenem schweren Herzfehler, das deshalb zur Blausucht neigt [<engl. blue „blau“ + baby „Neugeborenes, Säugling“] * * * Blue|ba|by, [ blu: beɪbɪ], das; s, s, (auch:) Blue Ba|by,… … Universal-Lexikon
blue baby — blue babies N COUNT A blue baby is a baby whose skin is slightly blue because it has been born with something wrong with its heart … English dictionary
Blue baby — [blu̱ be̱ibi; engl. blue = blau u. engl. baby = Kind] s; s, babies [...bis]: „blaues Kind“, Kind, dessen Hautfarbe auf Grund eines angeborenen Herzfehlers (und damit zusammenhängender verminderter Sauerstoffsättigung) bläulich aussieht … Das Wörterbuch medizinischer Fachausdrücke
blue baby — blue .baby n a baby whose skin is slightly blue when it is born because it has a heart problem … Dictionary of contemporary English
blue baby — noun count a baby whose skin looks blue when it is born because of a heart problem … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
Blue Baby — Blue Ba|by [ blu:beibi] das; s, s <aus engl. blue baby, eigtl. »blaues Kind«, zu blue »blau«> Kind, dessen Hautfarbe aufgrund eines angeborenen Herzfehlers bläulich aussieht (Med.) … Das große Fremdwörterbuch
blue baby — ☆ blue baby n. a baby born with cyanosis as a result of pulmonary malfunction or a heart malformation that allows venous blood to mix with arterial blood … English World dictionary
blue baby — n an infant with a bluish tint usu. from a congenital heart defect marked by mingling of venous and arterial blood * * * a colloquial name, becoming obsolete, for an infant suffering from congenital cyanotic heart disease, the commonest forms of… … Medical dictionary
blue baby — noun an infant born with a bluish color; usually has a defective heart • Hypernyms: ↑baby, ↑babe, ↑infant * * * noun, pl ⋯ bies [count] : a baby that has bluish skin usually because its heart is not working correctly * * * ˌblue ˈbaby [blue baby] … Useful english dictionary
blue baby — UK / US noun [countable] Word forms blue baby : singular blue baby plural blue babies a baby whose skin looks blue when it is born because of a heart problem … English dictionary
blue baby — noun A baby born with cyanosis as a result of a congenital defect See Also: blue baby syndrome … Wiktionary