- yah
- [jɑ:] int
да ну?, вот как! (выражает насмешку, презрение)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Yah — may refer to:* YAH, the abbreviation for Youth Advolution for Health, a youth led initiative that advactes healthy lifestyle among youths. * Iah Yah, the Egyptian word for moon. * Jah, the Rastafari name of God. * Yah, one of the names of God… … Wikipedia
Yah — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Yah o Jah es la forma abreviada del nombre hebreo del Dios judío, Yahweh o Jehová (se usabaYHWH en hebreo, porque el nombre de Dios era impronunciable). Jah en la cultura hebrea En el texto original del Antiguo… … Wikipedia Español
Yah|ve — Yah|veh or Yah|ve «YAH vay», noun. = Yahweh. (Cf. ↑Yahweh) … Useful english dictionary
Yah|we — Yah|weh or Yah|we «YAH way», noun. 1. a name of God in the Hebrew text of the Old Testament, often used by writers on the religion of the Hebrews; Jehovah. 2. the ancient god of the Hebrew tribes. Also, Jahve, Jahveh. ╂[< Hebrew Yahweh … Useful english dictionary
yah — /yah, yair/, interj. an exclamation of impatience or derision. * * * … Universalium
yah — exclamation of defiance or dismissal, from 1812 … Etymology dictionary
yah — [yä, ya] interj. used to express derision, defiance, disgust, etc … English World dictionary
yah — gun·yah; yah·gan; yah·weh; yah·wism; yah·wis·tic; ali·yah; yah; yah·wist; an·sar·i·yah; da·ha·bee·yah; jiz·yah; ken·yah; ra·yah; sa·nu·si·yah; ta·qi·yah; yah·veh; yah·vism; yah·vist; yah·vis·tic; yah·vè; yah·we; … English syllables
Yah — Jah Dans la bible hébraïque, on trouve 26 occurrences du mot hébreu יָהּ = Yah ou Jah. On trouve aussi le terme sous forme composée, dans le mot alléluia, ou halellujah : Hallelou Yah, « Rendez louange à Yah ». Il s agit dans la… … Wikipédia en Français
yah — 1. adverb a) here Kum ba yah, my Lord, kum ba yah b) yes. Yah, we did go along but it turned out the wedding was a load of nonsense. 2. noun an … Wiktionary
yah — Sure, sounds right, that s OK, tell me more, are you putting me on?, is what you have said really true? Yah, yah, sounds good … Dictionary of american slang