- wristlet
- [ʹrıstlıt] n
1. ремешок или браслет для наручных часов2. браслет3. pl сл. наручники4. повязка на запястье (у гимнастов и т. п.)
woollen wristlets - напульсники
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
woollen wristlets - напульсники
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Wristlet — Wrist let, n. An elastic band worn around the wrist, as for the purpose of securing the upper part of a glove. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
wristlet — [rist′lit] n. 1. a closefitting band or strip of material worn around, or sometimes sewed on a sleeve at, the wrist, as for warmth 2. a bracelet … English World dictionary
wristlet — /ˈrɪstlət/ (say ristluht) noun 1. a band worn round the wrist. 2. a bracelet. –adjective 3. designed to be worn around the wrist: a wristlet watch …
wristlet — noun Date: 1844 a band encircling the wrist; especially a close fitting knitted band attached to the top of a glove or the end of a sleeve … New Collegiate Dictionary
wristlet — /rist lit/, n. 1. a band worn around the wrist, esp. to protect it from cold. 2. a bracelet. 3. Slang. a handcuff. [1840 50; WRIST + LET] * * * … Universalium
wristlet — noun a band which encircles the wearers wrist, especially a closely knitted one to keep it warm Syn: wristband … Wiktionary
wristlet — wrist·let || rɪstlɪt n. band or part of sleeve covering wrist; cuff … English contemporary dictionary
wristlet — noun a band or bracelet worn on the wrist … English new terms dictionary
wristlet — wrist·let … English syllables
wristlet — wrist•let [[t]ˈrɪst lɪt[/t]] n. clo jew a protective or ornamental wristband • Etymology: 1840–50 … From formal English to slang
wristlet — n. a band or ring worn on the wrist to strengthen or guard it or as an ornament, bracelet, handcuff, etc … Useful english dictionary