
[ədʹhıə] v (to)
1. прилипать, приставать, приклеиваться

mud adhered to our shoes - грязь налипла на наши ботинки

2. 1) твёрдо держаться, придерживаться

to adhere to a decision - придерживаться решения, выполнять решение

to adhere to a plan - придерживаться плана; не отступать от плана

2) юр. присоединяться (к договору, уже вступившему в силу)
3. быть преданным (чему-л.); быть сторонником, приверженцем (чего-л.); быть (чьим-л.) единомышленником и т. п.

to adhere to a party - принадлежать к /быть членом/ партии

to adhere to a creed [to a principle] - твёрдо держаться какой-л. веры [какого-л. принципа]

4. редк. слеплять; приклеивать, склеивать

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "adhere" в других словарях:

  • Adhere — Ad*here , v. i. [imp. & p. p. {Adhered}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Adhering}.] [L. adhaerere, adhaesum; ad + haerere to stick: cf. F. adh[ e]rer. See {Aghast}.] 1. To stick fast or cleave, as a glutinous substance does; to become joined or united; as, wax …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • adhere — I (fasten) verb agglutinate, anchor, attach, band together, cement, clamp, clasp, cling to, coalesce, cohere, compound, fuse, glue, hold fast, hold firmly, inhaerere, join, latch, secure, stick to, stick together, tighten, unite II (maintain… …   Law dictionary

  • adhere — ad‧here [ədˈhɪə ǁ ˈhɪr] verb adhere to something phrasal verb to behave according to a rule, agreement etc: • Now companies must adhere to stricter guidelines on the disposal of toxic waste. adherence noun [uncountable] : • Aid to these countries …   Financial and business terms

  • adhere — [ad hir′, ədhir′] vi. adhered, adhering [L adhaerere < ad , to + haerere, to stick] 1. to stick fast; stay attached 2. to stay firm in supporting or approving [to adhere to a leader, to adhere to a plan] SYN. STICK adherer n …   English World dictionary

  • adhere to — (something) to behave in a way demanded by an idea or rule. Housing groups that do not adhere to the new fire regulations may lose government money. He followed no specific religion, but adhered to the basic beliefs of Christianity. Related… …   New idioms dictionary

  • adhere — [v1] conform to or follow rules exactly abide by, be attached, be constant, be devoted, be devoted to, be faithful, be loyal, be true, cleave to, comply, follow, fulfill, heed, keep, maintain, mind, obey, observe, practice, respect, stand by,… …   New thesaurus

  • adhere — ► VERB (adhere to) 1) stick fast to. 2) remain faithful to. DERIVATIVES adherence noun. ORIGIN Latin adhaerere stick to …   English terms dictionary

  • adhere to — I verb acknowledge, comply, conform, fulfill, have regard to, head, keep, make a practice of, obey, observe, pay attention to, pursue, regard, respect II index bear (tolerate), comply, conform, fulfill …   Law dictionary

  • adhere — (v.) 1590s, from M.Fr. adhérer (15c.) or directly from L. adhaerare to stick to (see ADHERENT (Cf. adherent)). Originally often of persons, to cleave to a leader, cause, party, etc. (Cf. adherent, still often used in this sense). Related:… …   Etymology dictionary

  • adhere — *stick, cohere, cling, cleave Analogous words: *fasten, attach, affix: unite, link, combine, *join Contrasted words: *separate, part, sever, divide: *detach, disengage: disunite, disjoin (see affirmative verbs at …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • adhere — v. 1) to adhere closely, doggedly, strictly, stubbornly, tenaciously 2) (d; intr.) to adhere to (to adhere strictly to a plan) * * * [əd hɪə] doggedly strictly stubbornly tenaciously to adhere closely (d; intr.) to adhere to (to adhere strictly… …   Combinatory dictionary

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