- world line
- [͵wɜ:ldʹlaın]
мировая линия (в теории относительности)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
World line — In physics, the world line of an object is the unique path of that object as it travels through 4 dimensional spacetime.The concept of world line is distinguished from the concept of orbit or trajectory (such as an orbit in space or a trajectory… … Wikipedia
world line — noun : the aggregate of all positions in space time of any individual particle that retains its identity * * * world line noun (physics) A curving line in space time representing the path of a particle during its existence • • • Main Entry:… … Useful english dictionary
world line — pasaulinė linija statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. world line vok. Weltlinie, f rus. мировая линия, f pranc. ligne d’univers, f … Fizikos terminų žodynas
world line — noun A path in spacetime, especially that traversed by an elementary particle from its creation to its destruction … Wiktionary
world line — noun Physics a curve in space–time joining the positions of a particle throughout its existence … English new terms dictionary
Line — or lines may refer to: * Line (geometry), an infinitely extending one dimensional figure that has no curvature * a length of rope, cable or chain when put to use (such as a clothesline, anchor line) * a line or queue of people waiting in a queue… … Wikipedia
Line dance — A line dance is choreographed dance with a repeated sequence of steps in which a group of people dance in one or more lines (British English, rows ) without regard for the gender of the individuals, all facing the same direction, and executing… … Wikipedia
world — n. 1 a the earth, or a planetary body like it. b its countries and their inhabitants. c all people; the earth as known or in some particular respect. 2 a the universe or all that exists; everything. b everything that exists outside oneself (dead… … Useful english dictionary
Line Mode Browser — displaying the German Wikipedia Original author(s) … Wikipedia
Line Mode Browser — Wikipedia im Line Mode Browser Basisdaten Entwickler W3C / CERN … Deutsch Wikipedia
World War Hulk — (La Guerra Mundial de Hulk) Publicación Formato Crossover Primera edición junio noviembre de 2007 Editorial … Wikipedia Español