- workhand
- [ʹwɜ:khænd] n
наёмный рабочий; работник; батрак
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
workhand — ˈ ̷ ̷ˌ ̷ ̷ noun : a person employed (as on a farm or in a factory or shop) by someone else … Useful english dictionary
Murder of John Hurford — The murder of John Hurford occurred on 8 April 1855 in Western Australia. His murder led to the first execution of a woman in Western Australia for the crime of murder. Hurford arrived in the colony of Western Australia in 1830. He was granted… … Wikipedia
blue collar worker — Synonyms and related words: breadwinner, casual, casual laborer, common laborer, day laborer, employee, factory worker, flunky, free lance, free lancer, full time worker, hand, industrial worker, jobber, jobholder, laborer, laboring man, menial,… … Moby Thesaurus
breadwinner — Synonyms and related words: blue collar worker, casual, casual laborer, common laborer, day laborer, employee, factory worker, flunky, free lance, free lancer, full time worker, hand, industrial worker, jobber, jobholder, laborer, laboring man,… … Moby Thesaurus
casual — Synonyms and related words: Bohemian, Charley, Mickey Mouse, VC, Vietcong, accessory, accidental, accidentally, additional, adscititious, adventitious, affable, aimless, airy, aleatory, almsman, almswoman, aloof, amorphous, apathetic, appurtenant … Moby Thesaurus
employee — Synonyms and related words: assistant, blue collar worker, breadwinner, casual, casual laborer, common laborer, day laborer, factory worker, flunky, free lance, free lancer, full time worker, girl Friday, hand, helper, hired hand, hired man,… … Moby Thesaurus
flunky — Synonyms and related words: adherent, appendage, apple polisher, ass licker, attendant, backscratcher, backslapper, blue collar worker, bootlick, bootlicker, breadwinner, brown nose, brownie, buff, casual, casual laborer, cavaliere servente,… … Moby Thesaurus
free lance — Synonyms and related words: adventurer, advertising writer, annalist, art critic, ask no favors, ask no quarter, author, authoress, belletrist, bibliographer, blue collar worker, breadwinner, casual, casual laborer, coauthor, collaborate,… … Moby Thesaurus
hand — Synonyms and related words: Adamite, John Hancock, X, abalienate, accessible, acclaim, acclamation, accomplished fact, accomplishment, ace, achievement, act, acta, action, administration, adventure, agency, aid, alien, alienate, amortize, angle,… … Moby Thesaurus
jobber — Synonyms and related words: Wall Streeter, agent, blue collar worker, bond crowd, breadwinner, broker, casual, casual laborer, chandler, common laborer, connection, curb broker, day laborer, dealer, distributor, employee, factory worker, floor… … Moby Thesaurus
jobholder — Synonyms and related words: blue collar worker, breadwinner, casual, casual laborer, common laborer, day laborer, employee, factory worker, flunky, free lance, free lancer, full time worker, hand, industrial worker, jobber, laborer, laboring man … Moby Thesaurus