- woodblock
- [ʹwʋdblɒk] n
1. деревянный чурбан; колода2. гравюра на дереве3. полигр. ксилографическое клише4. дор. торец; деревянная шашка5. паркет
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Woodblock — can refer to: * The wood block, a percussion instrument. * A woodblock or woodcut is used in woodblock printing, a method of printing in which an image is carved into the surface of a piece of wood, which is then inked, and the image is stamped… … Wikipedia
Woodblock — [englisch, wʊdblɔk], auch Holzblocktrommel, Perkussionsinstrument; länglicher, rechteckiger, an den Seiten ausgehöhlter Hartholzblock; unterschiedliche Größen ermöglichen Abstimmung der Tonhöhen; Anschlag mit Trommelstöcken oder anderen… … Universal-Lexikon
woodblock — ► NOUN 1) a block of wood from which woodcut prints are made. 2) a hollow wooden block used as a percussion instrument … English terms dictionary
woodblock — /wood blok /, n. 1. a block of wood engraved in relief, for printing from; woodcut. 2. a print or impression from such a block. 3. a hollow block of hard wood struck with a wooden stick or mallet and used in the percussion section of an orchestra … Universalium
woodblock — UK [ˈwʊdˌblɒk] / US [ˈwʊdˌblɑk] noun [countable] Word forms woodblock : singular woodblock plural woodblocks a) a square piece of wood that forms part of a floor b) art a woodcut … English dictionary
woodblock — /ˈwʊdblɒk / (say woodblok) noun 1. Printing a. a block of wood engraved in relief, for printing from; a woodcut. b. a print or impression from such a block. 2. a wooden block or sett, as used for flooring, road making, etc. 3. Music a hollow… …
Woodblock graffiti — is artwork painted on a small portion of plywood or similar inexpensive material and attached to street sign posts with bolts. Often the bolts are bent at the backto prevent removal. Documented as early as 1995 in New York, [cite book last =… … Wikipedia
Woodblock printing on textiles — is the process of printing patterns on textiles, usually of linen, cotton or silk, by means of incised wooden blocks. It is the earliest, simplest and slowest of all methods of textile printing. Block printing by hand is a slow process it is,… … Wikipedia
Woodblock printing — For the technique, see xylography. For the history in Europe, see old master print. For Japanese woodblock printing, see woodblock printing in Japan. Young monks printing Buddhist scriptures using the rubbing technique, Sera Monastery in Tibet,… … Wikipedia
Woodblock printing in Japan — For woodblock printing in general, see Woodblock printing. The Great Wave off Kanagawa (神奈川沖浪裏, Kanagawa oki nami ura … Wikipedia
woodblock — noun Date: 1837 woodcut • wood block adjective … New Collegiate Dictionary