- blooper
- [ʹblu:pə] n амер. разг.
1. оговорка, публичная ошибка2. радио генерирующий приёмник
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Blooper — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda La palabra Blooper puede referirse a: Blooper: un error en la grabación de alguna película, video o serie televisiva. Blooper: Un calamar enemigo de los videojuegos de la saga de Super Mario. Obtenido de Blooper… … Wikipedia Español
blooper — (n.) blunder, 1943, apparently first in theater, from American English baseball slang meaning a fly ball in a high arc missed by the fielder (1937) or else from the earlier sense radio receiver that interferes with nearby sets when a careless… … Etymology dictionary
blooper — [n] blunder boner*, boo boo*, bungle, error, faux pas, fluff*, gaffe, impropriety, indecorum, lapse, mistake, slip, solecism, trip*; concepts 384,674 … New thesaurus
blooper — ☆ blooper [blo͞opər ] n. [bloop, echoic + ER] Slang 1. a foolish or stupid mistake; blunder 2. Baseball a) a ball batted in a low arc so that it falls between the infielders and outfielders, usually for a hit b) a ball that is pitched to the… … English World dictionary
Blooper — For other uses, see Blooper (disambiguation). A blooper, also known as an outtake or boner is a short sequence of a film or video production, usually a deleted scene, containing a mistake made by a member of the cast or crew. It also refers to an … Wikipedia
blooper — n. (colloq.) (AE) blunder 1) to commit, make a blooper 2) a prize blooper * * * [ bluːpə] make a blooper (colloq.) (AE) [ blunder ] to commit a prize blooper … Combinatory dictionary
blooper — [“blupa* ] 1. n. an embarrassing broadcasting error that must be bleeped or blooped out of the program. □ I made a blooper, and they cut it out of the program. □ There is a record you can buy that lets you hear the famous bloopers of the past. 2 … Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions
blooper — UK [ˈbluːpə(r)] / US [ˈblupər] noun [countable] Word forms blooper : singular blooper plural bloopers mainly American informal a silly or embarrassing mistake … English dictionary
Blooper — Outtakes (auch blooper) sind häufig humorvolle Teile des gefilmten Materials, die nicht für den Film verwendet werden (können). Wird ein Film produziert, so wird erheblich mehr Bildmaterial gedreht als letztendlich benötigt wird. Viele Szenen… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Blooper — Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom. Le terme blooper est : un anglicisme qui signifie bêtisier. Voir aussi Bloopers, émission télévisée Catégorie : Homonymie … Wikipédia en Français
blooper — [[t]blu͟ːpə(r)[/t]] bloopers N COUNT A blooper is a silly mistake. [mainly AM, INFORMAL] ...the overwhelming appeal of television bloopers … English dictionary