
[ʹwɒf(ə)l] v амер. сл.
болтать, трепаться

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "woffle" в других словарях:

  • woffle — var. waffle v., n.2 …   Useful english dictionary

  • woffle — /ˈwɒfəl/ (say wofuhl) verb (i) (woffled, woffling) 1. → waffle2 (defs 1 and 2). –noun 2. → waffle2 (defs 3 and 4) …  

  • Put a bit of woffle dust on it — if smb. is playing cards or dice and looking for a bit of luck, he says he puts a little woffle dust on it, though there s no such thing and he doesn t actually put any dust on his cards or dice; it s just a slang for luck …   Dictionary of Australian slang

  • put a bit of woffle dust on it — Australian Slang if smb. is playing cards or dice and looking for a bit of luck, he says he puts a little woffle dust on it, though there s no such thing and he doesn t actually put any dust on his cards or dice; it s just a slang for luck …   English dialects glossary

  • waffle — I. /ˈwɒfəl / (say wofuhl) noun a batter cake with deep indentations formed by baking it in a waffle iron. {US English (1800s), from Dutch wafel. Compare wafer} II. /ˈwɒfəl / (say wofuhl) Colloquial –verb (i) (waffled, waffling) 1. to speak or… …  

  • woffler — ˈwäflə(r) noun ( s) Etymology: probably from English dialect woffle to glide along quickly (probably freq. of woft to waft, alteration of English waft) + English er Britain …   Useful english dictionary

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