- wodan woden
Wodan, Woden
1> Вотан, Один (в германской и скандинавской мифологии)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Wōden — is a god in Anglo Saxon paganism, together with Norse Odin representing a development of a Proto Germanic god, * Wōdanaz . Other West Germanic forms of the name include Old High German Wuotan , Low German and Dutch Wodan . Woden was worshipped… … Wikipedia
WODAN — teste Paluô Diaconô, de Gestis Longobard. l. 1. c. 9. et Godofredô Viterbiensi, Chron. part. 17. Numen fuit olim Germanorum, quod Romani suâ linguâ Mercurium dixerint. Sed nihil video, inquit Vossius, unde colligam, Wodan vel literaturae vel… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Woden (disambiguation) — Woden is the god in Anglo Saxon paganism corresponding to Norse Odin.;toponyms *List of places named after Woden * Woden is a district of the city of Canberra, Australia: ** Woden Valley ** Woden Town Centre, Australian Capital Territory * Woden … Wikipedia
Woden — or Wodan [wōd′ n] n. [OE Woden, akin to Ger Wotan & ON Odinn < IE * wōt , var. of base * wāt , to be mentally excited > L vates, prophet, Ger wut, rage] Gmc. Myth. the chief deity; identified with the Norse Odin … English World dictionary
Wodan — (so altsächs., althochd. Wuotan, angelsächs. Wôden, altnord. Ódhinn), in der german. Mythologie ursprünglich Sturmgott, dann bei den Franken, von denen sein Kultus ausging, zum Himmelsgott erhoben und als Urheber aller höhern Kultur, der… … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
Wóden — Odin auf Sleipnir (gotländischer Bildstein) Odin oder südgermanisch Wodan, altisländisch Óðinn, altenglisch Wōden, altsächsisch Uuoden[1] … Deutsch Wikipedia
Woden — Odin Odin Odhinn, Jolnir, Wotan, Wodan ou uuodan Odin chevauchant Sleipnir, d après un parchemin islandais du XVIIIe … Wikipédia en Français
Woden — /wohd n/, n. the chief god of the pagan Anglo Saxons, identified with the Scandinavian Odin. Also, Wodan. [bef. 900; ME, OE Woden (c. G Wotan, ON Othinn), equiv. to wod WOOD2 + en n. suffix marking headship; Woden was the leader of the Wild Hunt] … Universalium
Woden — /ˈwoʊdn/ (say wohdn) noun the chief Anglo Saxon god, identical with the Scandinavian Odin. Also, Wodan. {Middle English, from Old English Wōden, related to Old Saxon Wôden, Old High German Wuotan, Old Norse Oðinn (see Odin) …
Wodan — noun chief god; counterpart of Norse Odin and Teutonic Wotan • Syn: ↑Woden • Instance Hypernyms: ↑Anglo Saxon deity … Useful english dictionary
Woden — noun chief god; counterpart of Norse Odin and Teutonic Wotan • Syn: ↑Wodan • Instance Hypernyms: ↑Anglo Saxon deity … Useful english dictionary