- wirepulling
- wire-pulling
1> _ам. закулисный нажим; использование связей, знакомств
(особ. для махинаций)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
wirepulling — /wuyeur pool ing/, n. 1. an act of pulling wires. 2. the use of influence to manipulate persons or organizations, as political organizations, for one s own ends. [1825 35; WIRE + PULLING] * * * … Universalium
wirepulling — n. pulling of strings or wires (as of puppets); taking advantage of influence in a manipulative manner (Slang) … English contemporary dictionary
wirepulling — /wuyeur pool ing/, n. 1. an act of pulling wires. 2. the use of influence to manipulate persons or organizations, as political organizations, for one s own ends. [1825 35; WIRE + PULLING] * * * wireˈpulling noun • • • Main Entry: ↑wire … Useful english dictionary
Opportunism — Opportunity Seized, Opportunity Missed. Engraving by Theodoor Galle, 1605. Contents 1 General definition … Wikipedia
wirepuller — noun N. Amer. informal a politician or other person who exerts control or influence from behind the scenes. Derivatives wirepulling noun … English new terms dictionary
design — v 1. plan, plot, scheme, draw up plans, work out, block out, map out, shape out a course; organize, arrange, set up; contrive, devise, develop; fashion, fabricate, frame, make, effect, produce; shape, form, mold, forge; construct, build, rear,… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
diplomacy — n 1. statesmanship, statecraft, politics; Machiavellianism, intrigue, machination, maneuvering, wirepulling. 2. tact, tactfulness, discretion, prudence, judiciousness, sense, common or good sense … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
game — n 1. amusement, diversion, distraction, divertissement, pastime, entertainment; recreation, sport, play, fun, merriment, frolic; merrymaking, merriment, joviality, jollity, jollification; tomfoolery, foolery, mummery, buffoonery, clowning around … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
wirepuller — ☆ wirepuller [wīrpool΄ər ] n. a person who uses private or secret influence for personal gain wirepulling n … English World dictionary
work the oracle — phrasal Britain : to gain something or succeed by scheming or wire pulling; specifically : to raise money by doubtful ways * * * work the oracle (informal) 1. To achieve the desired result by manipulation, intrigue, wirepulling, favour, etc 2. To … Useful english dictionary
wirepuller — n. esp. US a politician etc. who exerts a hidden influence. Derivatives: wirepulling n … Useful english dictionary