- winglet
- [ʹwıŋlıt] n
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Winglet — Wing let, n. 1. A little wing; a very small wing. [1913 Webster] 2. (Zo[ o]l.) A bastard wing, or alula. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
winglet — [winglɛt] n. m. ÉTYM. 1978, Sciences et Avenir; mot angl., dimin. de wing « aile ». ❖ ♦ Anglic. Techn. Petit élément ajouté aux extrémités de la voilure d un avion, destiné à améliorer l aérodynamisme. || « Un nouveau type (de cloisons planes),… … Encyclopédie Universelle
winglet — [wiŋ′lit] n. 1. a small wing 2. ALULA … English World dictionary
Winglet — Wingtip fence d un Airbus A319 Une winglet est une ailette sensiblement verticale située au bout des ailes d un avion et qui permet de réduire la traînée induite par la portance sans augmenter l envergure de l aile. Ce mot anglais reste le plus… … Wikipédia en Français
Winglet — Blended Winglet an einer Boeing 737 800 Wingtip an einem … Deutsch Wikipedia
Winglet — The Toyota Winglet is a self balancing two wheeled scooter similar in function and form to the Segway PT. It is capable of cruising at 3.7 miles per hour (compared to the 12.5 mph of the Segway). Unveiled August 1, 2008, it is not known when or… … Wikipedia
Winglet — Wịng|let, das; s, s [engl. winglet, zu: wing = Flügel u. eigtl. = Flügelchen] (Flugzeugbau): an den Enden der Tragflächen von Flugzeugen angebrachte, nach oben od. unter gerichtete Verlängerungen, die die Wirbelbildung reduzieren u. dadurch die… … Universal-Lexikon
winglet — noun Date: 1611 a small wing; also a small nearly vertical airfoil at an airplane s wingtip that reduces drag by inhibiting turbulence … New Collegiate Dictionary
winglet — /wing lit/, n. 1. a little wing. 2. Zool. alula. 3. Aeron. a. a small wing used mainly to carry external loads or to connect struts or gears to the fuselage. b. a short, near vertical projection on a wing tip that reduces drag and improves fuel… … Universalium
winglet — noun A winglike structure at a wingtip set at an angle to the plane of the wing designed to reduce drag by its effect on wingtip vortices … Wiktionary
winglet — n. small wing … English contemporary dictionary