winged words

winged words
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Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "winged words" в других словарях:

  • winged words — see ↑winged above. • • • Main Entry: ↑wing * * * plural n. poetic/literary highly apposite or significant words …   Useful english dictionary

  • winged words — plural noun literary highly apposite or significant words …   English new terms dictionary

  • Winged word — Winged words are words which, first uttered or written in a specific literary context, have since passed into common usage to express a general idea mdash;sometimes to the extent that those using them are unaware of their origin as… …   Wikipedia

  • winged — [wiŋd; wiŋ′id] adj. 1. having wings or winglike parts 2. moving, esp. swiftly, on or as if on wings 3. lofty; sublime [winged words] …   English World dictionary

  • winged — wingedly, adv. wingedness, n. /wingd/ or, esp. Literary, /wing id/, adj. 1. having wings. 2. having a winglike part or parts: a winged bone; a winged seed. 3. abounding with wings or winged creatures. 4. moving or reaching swiftly on or as if on… …   Universalium

  • winged — [[t]wɪŋd[/t]] esp. lit. [[t]ˈwɪŋ ɪd[/t]] adj. 1) having wings or a winglike part or parts: the winged ants; a winged seed[/ex] 2) having a certain kind of wing (used in combination): the white winged dove[/ex] 3) moving on or as if on wings:… …   From formal English to slang

  • winged — /wɪŋd/ (say wingd), especially Poetic /ˈwɪŋəd/ (say winguhd) adjective 1. having wings. 2. having a winglike part or parts: a winged bone; a winged seed. 3. moving or passing on or as if on wings: winged words. 4. rapid or swift. 5. elevated or… …  

  • Winged monkeys — (often referred to in adaptations and popular culture as flying monkeys) are characters from The Wonderful Wizard of Oz , of enough impact between the books and the 1939 movie to have taken their own place in popular culture, regularly referenced …   Wikipedia

  • Winged Victory — is a 1934 novel by English World War I fighter pilot Victor Maslin Yeates. It concerns World War I, the existence pilots lead and the fear involved in flying early biplanes. Its protagonist, Tom Cundall, plans to leave the Royal Air Force when… …   Wikipedia

  • winged — Synonyms and related words: agile, breakneck, dashing, double quick, eagle winged, expeditious, express, fast, fleet, flying, galloping, hair trigger, hasty, headlong, hustling, light of heel, light footed, lively, mercurial, nimble, nimble… …   Moby Thesaurus

  • “Winged Death“ —    Novelette (10,070 words); ghostwritten for Hazel Heald, probably in the summer of 1932. First published in WT(March 1934); first collected in Marginalia;corrected text in HM.    A scientist, Thomas Slauenwite, discovers a rare insect in South… …   An H.P.Lovecraft encyclopedia

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