
[ʹblʌdlıs] a
1. 1) бескровный, обескровленный, бледный

bloodless lips - бескровные /бледные/ губы

2) бескровный, совершаемый без пролития крови

bloodless victory - победа, доставшаяся малой кровью

2. безжизненный, вялый; анемичный
3. бесчувственный, бесстрастный

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Смотреть что такое "bloodless" в других словарях:

  • Bloodless — Blood less, a. [AS. bl[=o]dle[ a]s.] 1. Destitute of blood, or apparently so; as, bloodless cheeks; lifeless; dead. [1913 Webster] The bloodless carcass of my Hector sold. Dryden. [1913 Webster] 2. Not attended with shedding of blood, or… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • bloodless — [adj1] unfeeling anesthetic, cold, coldhearted, dull, impassive, indolent, insensible, insensitive, languid, lazy, lifeless, listless, passionless, slow, sluggish, spiritless, torpid, unemotional, unkind; concept 404 Ant. caring, feeling,… …   New thesaurus

  • bloodless — index clean, insipid, peaceable, phlegmatic Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • bloodless — O.E. blodleas; see BLOOD (Cf. blood) + LESS (Cf. less). The figurative sense in M.E. was powerless. Related: Bloodlessly …   Etymology dictionary

  • bloodless — anemic, *pale Analogous words: *colorless, uncolored: wishy washy, vapid, inane (see INSIPID) Antonyms: sanguine: plethoric Contrasted words: vital, alive, *living: vivid, *graphic: * …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • bloodless — ► ADJECTIVE 1) (of a conflict) without violence or killing. 2) (of the skin) drained of colour. 3) lacking in vitality; feeble. 4) cold or ruthless. DERIVATIVES bloodlessly adverb bloodlessness noun …   English terms dictionary

  • bloodless — [blud′lis] adj. 1. without blood 2. without bloodshed 3. not having enough blood; anemic or pale 4. having little energy or vitality 5. unfeeling; cruel bloodlessly adv. bloodlessness n …   English World dictionary

  • bloodless — bloodlessly, adv. bloodlessness, n. /blud lis/, adj. 1. without blood: bloodless surgery. 2. very pale: a bloodless face. 3. free from bloodshed; accomplished without bloodshed: a bloodless victory; a bloodless coup. 4. spiritless; without vigor …   Universalium

  • bloodless — [[t]blʌ̱dləs[/t]] 1) ADJ GRADED A bloodless coup or victory is one in which nobody is killed. Reports from the area indicate that it was a bloodless coup... The campaign would be short and relatively bloodless. Derived words: bloodlessly ADV… …   English dictionary

  • bloodless — blood|less [ blʌdləs ] adjective 1. ) lacking emotion, energy, or effectiveness: cold bloodless logic 2. ) usually before noun not involving violence or killing, in a situation where there often is violence: a bloodless revolution 3. ) a… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • bloodless — UK [ˈblʌdləs] / US adjective 1) [usually before noun] not involving violence or killing, in a situation where there often is violence a bloodless revolution 2) a bloodless face or skin is very pale 3) lacking emotion, energy, or effectiveness… …   English dictionary

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